Chapter 10: Drills And Secrets

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(Wash p.o.v.)
"Alright students, drop and give me 50!" I yell at my class.
I hear the groans and moans from the students as they got from their seats and started to do their reps.
"Agent Washington, it seems you're missing a student from your classroom attendance." Delta tells me from inside my helmet.
"Grif. Shouldn't expect anything more." I reply.
"Tucker, Caboose, Judas. Front and center!" I yell as the three stop their reps and walk up to me.
"What is it Mr. Washington, Sir!" Judas says in attention.
"I'm only drilling you like recruits, no need for military formalities. I wanted to know where your fourth team member is." I say as Judas relaxes a bit.
"Sleeping." The three reply in unison.
"And you didn't wake him?"
"You try waking him. I thought waking him up on Chorus was bad. Now that he's a teen it seems it's worse" Tucker tells me.
I dismiss the three and let them return to their push ups. I can't blame him though. We spent almost all night getting Grif and Caboose assimilated into Remnant and Beacon. As well as getting them weapons, I.D.'s and scrolls. Caboose didn't seem to mind but Grif looked like he was going to die.
"Morning Wash, told I have to come here. What's this a classroom?" Grif says walking into the class.
"Good morning Grif, your late." I say unimpressed.
"Classroom attendance is fully accounted for." Delta says.
"I noticed. I don't care."
"Well you should care, class when your done with your push ups, go and do two laps around the school." I yell as the class groans louder."
"I feel déjà vu here. Did we do this before?" Grif asks.
"Back on Chorus when you were looking for Kimball, you just so happened to miss basic training." I say.
"So what's this again?"
"Remedial training. Disciplining a group for the actions of single soldiers."
     "You know I think I know why it didn't work back then. I just didn't care." Grif tells me.
     "Alright three laps!" I yell as the students pass by.
     Their groans could be heard even from down the hall.
     "And I still don't care."
"Four laps!"
At this point the students are saying words I wouldn't even expect them to say. Even Ruby swore like a sailor.
"Well fine then, we can talk to Glynda about the whole situation." I tell Grif.
"Uh I'll just start running." Grif says as he exits the classroom running with the other students.
"So who are these two?" Ozpin asks Tucker.
"Blue ones Caboose, orange ones Grif." He says.
"If I may butt in, Michael J. Caboose and Dexter Grif. Both share a similar past with Tucker at Blood Gulch," I say as I lean into Ozpin's ear.
"Caboose is a bit slow and Grif is probably gonna be the laziest person you'll ever know." I whisper.
"Alright you two, I believe I can squeeze you in. As you know I am Professor Ozpin and I believe you've already met my assistant, Glynda Goodwitch." Ozpin says.
"Hello Mr. Ozpin! Hello mean lady!" Caboose says as me and Tucker back up.
"What did you just call me young man?" Glynda asks, practically glowing with rage.
"Uh... Psst, Tucker. Is she a mean lady or one of those other types of lady's?"
Tucker face palms at Caboose's... lack of a filter as Grif chimes in.
"Caboose? Please stop talking." He says.
"Young man I'll give you one chance to apologize for your rudeness." Glynda says trying to calm down.
"Oh I'm sorry mean lady I didn't mean to upset you." Caboose says as Tucker darts for the Elevator.
"That's it!"
"Oh shit run!"
"What are we running from?"
(End of flashback)
"I don't know who's worse. Tex or Glynda." Tucker says.
     "They seem oddly close. Hell, they even sound the same." I replied.
     Realization suddenly hit me as Tucker was standing next to me not even out of breath.
     "How did you get here so fast and how'd you know I was talking about Glynda?" I ask,
      "I asked Grif why he was running and I just used the thrusters whenever I could." He replied.
     I sighed as some of the others started pouring in. As soon as the last student, Grif, walked in, I started my lesson.
(Timeskip - Tucker p.o.v.)
     "Ugh, Wash's war lessons are terrible." I say.
     "You'll have to pay attention, so what if you were in the military your studies are important." Weiss said.
     I was invited by team RWBY to go with them into Vale for some reason. It was a really nice town if I had to say so. I haven't seen much of it due to me staying mostly at Beacon.
     "Wait, Tucker was in the military?" Ruby asks.
     "What'd you do?" Blake asks.
     "Classified." I quickly say.
     Thankfully I got them off the subject. Yang found out when we were having a movie night together, accidentally let it slip when watching some war movie. Weiss smirks probably because she's the only one who know a small bit about my 'military career'.
     "So remind me why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" Yang asks as Ruby plugs her nose.
     "I've heard students from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon I feel as though it's my solemn duty to welcome to this fine Kingdom." Weiss replied, nearly putting me to sleep.
     "She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake said revealing Weiss' true intentions.
     "Ah! You can't prove that!"
     Suddenly Ruby's attention is averted to a dust shop that's been taped off by the police.
     "Woah." She says.
     "Jesus what happened here?" I ask as we approach the crime scene.
     "Robbery, second dust ship to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle." One of the officers says before turning back to the shop.
     "That's terrible." Yang says when the other officers start to speak.
     "They left all the money again." One officer said.
     "It doesn't make a lick of sense, who needs that much dust? You thinking the white fang?" The officer from before says.
     "I'm thinking we don't get paid enough."
     I remember during my month of learning everything about Remnant Dr. Ooblek mentioned the white fang, he said they used to be peaceful protesters, then turned into a violent gang organization.
     "Hmm, the white fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates." Weiss chimes in.
     "What's your problem?" Blake asks.
     "My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane."
"The white fang is hardly a bunch of sycophants. They're a collection of misguided faunas."
"Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet." Weiss says.
"Then they're very misguided." Blake retorts.
Alright I feel this will last a lifetime knowing Weiss, so I wander off. I walk down the streets of Vale taking in the scenery. I mean, it's better than a box canyon, a desert, and a war torn planet. As I walk down the street I bump into some ginger girl just standing around.
"Hey lady! Trying to walk here!" I yell.
"Salutations! My apologies for obstructing the sidewalk!" She says turning around and smiling.
Something about her is... off.
"Yeah okay, what are you doing here? Alone?" I ask.
"Why, I was on my way to Beacon! I'm going to participate in the Vytal Festival!" She says.
"Alright, I'll leave you be. Good luck finding your way to Beacon." I say.
"What do you mean we're out of Oreos? We just bought some!" Grif yells.
"You ate em' all you fat fuck! Took em' to Goodwitch's class and snacked the entire time!" Judas yells.
"I don't remember that!"
"Well you did it!"
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Kiss. Kiss. Kiss."
"Alright what the fuck did I walk in on?" I yell walking into my dorm room.
It sucks because my sick bachelor pad got turned into some frat house room. And trust me, sharing a room with Grifl is terrible. Judas stands over his bed every night with his bat ready to bash his head in.
"Grif here is accusing me of stealing his Oreos!" Judas yells.
"He fucking did! I found the empty box under you bed!" Grif accuses.
"You throw them under there when you fucking done! Seriously we have a trash can in here just use that!"
Ugh! This is bullshit. I liked being a solo team. Now I'm stuck with these idiots.
"I'll let you guys figure this one out. I'm gonna see what Team RWBY's doing." I say.
"Yeah! Me and Tucker will go see what Ruby is doing!" Caboose yells following me.
As we approach their dorm I can here Weiss and Blake still arguing with each other.
"Jesus they're still at it?" I ask before opening the door.
"I'm a victim! You want to know why I despise the white fang? Why I don't particularly trust the faunas? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted on its back for as long as I remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear, board members executed, and an entire train car full of dust, stolen. Every day my father would come home furious. And that made for a very rough childhood." Weiss finished. Damn, now I understand why she's such a bitch.
"Tucker, is the white lady alright?" Caboose asks.
"That was kinda racist but to answer you, I'm not sure." I reply.
"You want to know why I despise the white fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"
"Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake yells.
The room went silent as the other members of Team RWBY stare at Blake in awe. Blake's expression changed from anger to fear as she darted out of the room, pushing me out of the way.
"Blake! Wait!" Ruby yells reaching her arm out.
I look at Team RWBY's saddened faces and a bit of regret behind Weiss'. I look down as I feel somebody tapping my shoulder.
"Should we chase after the cat lady?" Caboose asks.
"Cat lady?" I ask.
The others look in intrigue as well at Caboose's comment.
"Yeah, I thought everybody knew so I kept quiet."
"How'd you know she was a cat faunas?" Yang asks.
"She really really liked tuna. Also her bow twitches sometimes so..." Caboose explains.
"Oh my gosh! I was thinking that too!" Ruby squeals as her and Caboose high five.

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