Jake and Archer follow me outside.

"What happened?" Archer demands.

"She just got on like a bitch to me because she and roommate had a fight not to long ago", I sigh and sit down on a bench.

"You kind of snap back at her", Archer remarks and I nod.

"You know I have a little temper", I say and he nods.

Jake hugs me while I eat, Archer takes some as well.

A group of girls walk pass us,

"Lucky bitch."

"Desperate bitch you mean."

"Ignore them", Jake whispers and I sigh.


"Hey Vanessa, I need to talk to you", Riley says as I walk  out the building.

I turn to her and see her eyes are red, "what do you want? My brother and best friends are coming soon", I say and cross my arms.

"I just want to say I'm sorry about how I acted this morning, that wasn't me", she says rubbing her arm.

"I forgive you, now I really got to go", I say and walk away quickly.

"Vanessa you wouldn't believe what just happen? Carter ask me on a date!" Stacy shrieks when I enter the room.

"Really? Congrats", I say with a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm happy you're supportive, Quinn and her bitchy friends aren't they gone shopping and not even bother to tell me", she sighs digging through her closet.

"Omg, I got nothing good to wear for a first date, can you come shopping with me please?" She pleads.

I sigh, Dianne and them would be here in a few hours and I don't know how long this shopping would take.

"Fine, but one store get your dress and then we're leaving some special people are coming soon", I say and she nods.

Looks like Jake would have to see me later.


Jake's POV

After practice, I see Quinn sitting on the stand taking out pictures. 

What's she doing here?

"Hi Jake, you look so good on the field", she says as she walks down the stand.

"Thanks", I say and pick up my bag.

"There's a party tonight at the frat house and you and your friends are invited", she says gesturing to the guys.

"So is my girlfriend right?" I say and she frowns.

"Nope invite only, so your girlfriends can't come", she says.

"I don't go parties without my girlfriend so bye", I say and she grabs my arm.

"Wait you can bring her if that's what would make you come", she flashes me a smile.

I pull away from her grip, "sorry, but not in a party mood my friends will definitely come", I say and leave.

"What's that all about?", Archer asks.

"Nothing just some party", I wave him off.

"Did I hear party? I'm going", Jackson says and Jay did a fist bump with him.

The Quarterback Still Like Me (wattys2021)Where stories live. Discover now