Our pain and tears with his three day challenge😢

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Ava's pov-

I can't believe this.I have been living a lie all these years.Not only me.Dylan too.We had been separated by someone and here we thought our love wasn't strong enough to keep us together.

"What are you thinking bout?"Dylan asked me.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I tried but I don't think I can.. there's just so much going on in my head."
He did sound so tired.Almost broken.

I sighed and held his hand in mine over the cushions I had placed between us.We are taking this slow.I mean what we have now is the essence of what we had.Don't get me wrong we still love each other but jumping right into our relationship after we went through so much seems like a rebound and I didn't want that.

"I want to tell you everything right now.I don't think I can have a peaceful moment until I tell you everything that is the actual truth."

"You're right.Me too.I also want to know your side of the story."

"Alright.Well after your miscarriage and Rachel's death.I was a mess.I blamed myself for your miscarriage because if I hadn't yelled those harsh full words at you then maybe you would not have fainted.I was miserable.I lost my baby sister and I lost our kid.On top of that I hurt you so badly.I didn't really had the guts to show my face to you.That's the reason I kept my distance from you.I was being a coward.I should have been there for you but I wasn't strong enough.I was emotionally drained.I spent my days being drunk."

By now I had tears in my eyes.I removed those cushions and moved in his arms.He just held me tight and kissed my for-head after wiping away my tears.

"I only used to come at our apartment when you were sleeping during the night.The dry tears on your cheeks made me feel like a failure.I was not able to take care of you,our baby and Rachel.You told me I used to spend my time with Amber when all I did was sitting and drinking.I was really not with her a single time.I only used come at our apartment after you went to sleep and you used to see me spending time with that bitch all the time.

It was the day you left.I met mom and dad and finally told them everything.All three of us cried the whole time.They consoled me and then we decided to visit Rachel's grave.After spending some time there ..all three of us ,I think all of us were ready to face the truth and act normally.I think we all needed some family time and then I realised what an asshole I was for leaving you alone when you needed me the most.It was then I decided to man up and when I returned home you were not there anymore."

His eyes were red.He was trying to stop himself from crying.He is trying to stay strong for me..for us.

I gently placed my lips upon his.He was a little startled with the sudden contact but after a while he kissed me back.This kiss was full of need.The pain of our separation ,the loss of our third baby,Rachel,what we went through,the need for each other.Every single emotion we felt for each other during these years were a part of it.

When we pulled away I placed my for-head against his.I was crying and there were tears in his eyes too.The need to be in each others embrace was almost carnal.

"Do you want to talk about this now?I don't want to make you cry baby.I have already done that so much."

"No.Don't say that.It wasn't your fault.It was all Amber and the person behind her.You didn't do anything.I love you Dyl and even if we were not together this love never became weak.It was always there.I was,I am and I always will be yours.I had our two angels with me.They are so much like you that it felt you were there with me all the time.We have to talk about this. This is our closure."

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