Meet our Idiot😜

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On the side is the cute Rachel. Isn't she adorable? Played by Suri Cruise, when she was younger.

And this is when the interesting journey of our love birds begins.

Okay... uhm... let's start, I guess. My name's Dyl, short for Dylan. And you can say that I'm what you call 'pretty screwed up'.

I had always been a troublemaker and well, the consequences of being one were usually not the best. So when I got to know that I was being kicked out of yet another one of my schools, I knew I was, well, screwed. Not that I cared about it much but, you know, being the son of a billionaire and having a royal background had its perks, as well as its consequences.

The paparazzi had been on my ass ever since I was born and it was the same case right here, right now. I was standing in front of my new school beside my dad, who was glaring daggers at me. The Chris Vanderbilt, aka my dad, was the epitome of perfection, while I was just the opposite.

As we entered, the receptionist greeted us and escorted us to the principal's office.

Upon entering, I noticed that the principal was a bald man, who kept eyeing my father from head to toe, and instantly knew the guy was totally gay. Talk about awkward. It wasn't that I had anything against homosexual relationships; No, not at all. It was just that this guy was actually being too damn obvious. I was trying my best not to laugh at my father's a little too uncomfortable expression. I was brought back from my thoughts when he started a conversation with me.

"So, Mr. Dylan Vanderbilt, I heard you're a quite the nuisance to all school districts you have ever attended. I do hope you are not going to create any ruckus here. There is a zero tolerance for such behavior at this school, so act wisely," He said carefully.

"Oh, of course not," I said with a smile - a fake one, of course. I wanted to yank him by the collar and shout at him, deaf. 'Ruckus not to be tolerated'! Pfft, my ass. He's going to be sorry for saying that. He doesn't know me well enough.

"Oh yeah, totally. He will be very disciplined," My father added.

I just rolled my eyes at him, earning both of their glares. Psssh. Talk about pathetic.

"Oh yes, your majesty. I'll take your word." The principal added. I almost laughed at this man but held back.

"Oh no, don't call me that here. Though we are from a royal background, but only in England. It seems ... odd here." My dad spoke quickly, a bit flustered.

This principal is really trying to impress my father, it's so obvious, it hurts.

"Oh. I see ... it won't happen again," Baldy says, flustered. He turns to me and gave me a stern look, "And Dylan, go to the reception to get your schedule for the semester and move to your class," He ordered, to which I mocked as I sat up from my chair and walked away.

After the meeting, I was taken to the reception where I got my schedule and after my father warned me to stay out of trouble –well, I can hope so. I moved towards the specified classroom with no difficulty in finding it since it was near the reception. It was so crowded in there, the classroom.

Thankfully I knew most of the guys in there due to my best friend, Brandon, who came to this school. The girls over here are sizzling hot. I can say that that's a plus, right?

"Hey, buds," I said as I looked around the classroom, taking another look at all the girls.

"Oh got it. Drooling over all the beauties already. Always the player, aren't you Dyl," Brandon retorted greeting me with a chuckle.

I just laughed and said, "Obviously dude. It's what I'm good at," And then we both started laughing like two idiots.

Out of a sudden, my gaze diverted towards two specific girls. One of them was a redhead who was babbling continuously - girls and their gossip - the other one, a cute little brunette. She looked very short, about 5'2, and had a pair of the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen.

She was wearing a nice summer dress and was just nodding towards her friend. I didn't know for how long I was watching her until she suddenly looked at my direction and stared right back. Her nose scrunched up as if she was thinking about something, and then she turned away.

Oh, well. That was awkward.

Never mind.

It's not like I instantly had a crush on her or anything because I know my heart belongs to just one person truly. I might be a player and may or may not date too many girls, but it was never anything serious. I had only ever loved once and she was not with me anymore.

The day passed by in a blur and I was now home, in my room. Since my mother was a fashion model, she was off to a show in Australia with my five-year-old sister, Rachel, who was a child model. After escorting me to school, my dad also left for England. He had an international meeting and would also meet my grandparents, who lived there in our family's castle. He was expected to return after two days, the same day that mom returned too. I'd never loved anyone more than Rachel, my baby sister, not even my mother. She was my little princess and yeah a princess in real life too. The irony.

I was getting bored so I logged into my Facebook account to check if I had any messages. My gaze fell over to a new friend request. Avalon Grace Black, the brunette from the class. Ohho this was fun, looks like someone was interested. Why not take a part, huh? Okay, Cupcake. I don't know why, but she reminded me of Cupcake, maybe because of her small frame and cuteness.

Well, Cupcake get ready to have the journey of your life.


The first chapter guys:)

I hope you all like it:)


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