Major screwup and Bff goals👭👭

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Pic Of Nicole on the side-

Ava's Pov-

I felt so empty. It’s like someone ripped my heart out. He loved Amber. My cousin Amber -the girl who is married. Did he even know that? Why the hell did she do that? I knew something happened to her 2 years ago when she took a break from her on and off boyfriend, Phil.
Her parents sent her to a camp so she could clear her mind a bit. After she returned from the camp, it’s like she changed completely. She proposed to Phil.

I mean they were fighting before she went to that camp and she came back to marry him straight away. Hell, they even have a kid now. I knew that during her camp days she went out with a guy. She told me everything about that before her wedding.
According to her, she needed a distraction from Phil so she went out with a guy. Technically she used him as a rebound from Phil. But he really fell in love with her like he became too serious. She couldn't take it anymore and realized that she truly wanted Phil after seeing his emotions. His emotions reminded her of her own so she left him and eloped with Phil because she couldn't live without him anymore.

I was downright furious after hearing all that. I mean she used him. That guy with his feelings. He still thought that she actually loved him and left him just because she was scared of a long-distance relationship. Bullshit. And that guy is Dylan the love of my life.

He was played by my cousin. This was so screwed up. I was sad, no, I was devastated. Not just because he felt nothing for me and not because he didn't remember me. But because he still didn't know what actually happened between him and Amber all those years ago.

I was so clueless and I told him that I’d get him with Amber because the look on his face was heartbreaking. I didn't know what to do now. I felt like a bitch to say that I loved him then I gave him false hope.

Amber and he were never ever going to get together. Hell, she was happily married and on top of that was pregnant. I just created a mess for Dylan, for me, for Amber. Gosh.
I was screwed.

I thought about telling Dylan the whole truth. I didn't want to lead him on. I should tell him but what if he wanted to meet Amber? Shit, I should tell her first, yes? I should tell her everything first. God, I didn't know what to do.

I needed some advice, some real good advice and there was only one person who could clear up this situation.

Nicole. My true true savior, my brother's girlfriend and my best friend after Kelsey. Oh shit! Kelsey.

I should call her first and ask her to come over and then we'll go to Nicole. Yes!

I picked up my cellphone and dialed Kelsey's number. After the fifth ring, she finally picked up.

"Hey Ave. What's up?"

"Umm. Lisa come over now I need your help and I want to talk to you about something very important. Come ASAP."

"What! Are you okay? Ave ASAP, what's the deal?”

“Ugh, will you just come?"

"Okay okay. I'm coming, I'm coming. Stop your blabbering." With that, she hung up.

After 15 minutes-

Kelsey and I were currently at Nicole's. And I was telling everything to both of them. They were looking at me with their mouths open in complete shock after I finished talking.

"Wait so your slut of cousin went out with Dylan during that Camp. Dylan is the guy she used?" Nicole asked with confusion still etched on her face.

"Yes," I whispered. By now I had tears in my eyes.

"Gosh, Amber is a slut, a total slut. Manipulative bitch,she uses people." Nicole swore.

I didn't know why but Nicole and Kelsey both hated Amber with everything in them. I mean I knew she was a manipulative bitch and a slut too back then but they hated her to a different level. They knew however that she'd changed after marrying Phil.I knew it, but they still hated her.

"Nikki you always know what to do in these situations; you have always guided me what to do. Please, I'm…” I started crying.

"Hey Ave. Look, sweetheart, everything will be alright okay. Don't cry we will sort this out, okay?" Nicole hugged me tightly while Kelsey just held my hand and I knew there were tears in both their eyes. My best friends I love them so much.

Nicole is Jake's girlfriend. She is older than us by four years. Jake and she are childhood sweethearts and she has always acted like a big sister to both me and Kelsey.

"Hey look, I will do anything and everything to help you Ave. You are not only my boyfriend's little sister but also my little best friend. We will sort it out sweetie.Right Kelsey?"

"Yeah! We will. We are together in this okay. And the first thing we are doing is talking to your bitch of a cousin." She stated.

Nicole and I nodded and decided that we would visit her tomorrow as it was already late. We decided to stay at Nicole's as it was too dark outside. So I called Jake and told him that we were having a girl's night together and he should tell mom and dad while Kelsey called her parents.

Hopefully tomorrow I’d get the answer to my questions from the visit with Amber. Hopefully. I want all this sorted, I want everything to be okay.

I love Dylan too much. I don't want to hurt him.He has already gone through so much that the truth will kill him. I know and I don't want my lies to add to his problems. I love him so much.
Hopefully, I get it all sorted ASAP.

Hmmmm .this is getting interesting day by day wow so many secrets let's see what happens next.
Till then .:p
WimpieKid :D

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