I went from a tumultuous relationship to whatever this was .

Elias had the power to make me forget history and turn me into complete mush. That alone terrified me. Maybe I had confused lust for love then, and history was repeating itself. I knew I wasn't powerless, I could fight this, fight the blossoming feelings for Elias.

I just didn't want to.

Maybe that makes me weak. Maybe it makes me stupid. Maybe it makes me irresponsible and reckless. Maybe it makes me a traitorous bitch.

Scratch that, I was going to fight this. I needed to fight this. Tooth and nail. How hard could it be?

I rubbed my fingers through my freshly curled hair. I made an attempt to put a little more effort into my appearance today since I had my very first client today. I smoothed down my leather skirt that I paired with a white quarter sleeve fitted top. As I slid on my pumps my bedroom door barged open.

"Wow sis, your boss will surely give you a promotion looking like that." My father swayed his head at my sister.

He tossed me a set of keys. "Lord Asshole dropped these off this morning."

I let out a big breath with everything that went on yesterday my jeep was the last thing on my mind. Isabella chimed in as she repressed a smile. "Dad warned if he didn't leave he was going put a bullet through his butthole, you should of seen Thomas face," Isabella sighed "highlight of my morning."

My eyes widened "Dad, you really shouldn't be threatening someone like Thomas he could sue you or file a police report."

"Did I call the police on his ass when he was on my property yelling at my daughter?? He is lucky, your boss or whatever handled him instead of me."

"You're telling me both of you," I pointed back and forth at them "were watching from the window? That's an invasion of privacy!"

My father shrugged his shoulders "It was in my front yard how private could that be," He paused "There is something I need to talk to the both of you about-"

I brushed past him "Can it wait? I am running behind schedule and I still have to take Ms. Nosyella to school." I took one last look in the mirror "We will talk about it after work, Isabella let's hit the road."

I revved the engine to my bucket of bolts, the engine sputtered as I drove off.

"Spill the beans, I can see your mind is going a million miles an hour. I don't want you to give yourself an aneurysm" Isabella stated nonchalantly.

For a second, I think of making up an excuse but decide against it "I feel like I went zero to one hundred with Elias, I went from trying to avoid him to holding his hand to kissing hi- "

Isabella playfully hit my shoulder "Omg you guys had s-e-x?"

I shook my head from left to right so much, that it might just roll off my neck. "No, It's just that, Thomas threw it in my face that the only reason I got this job was because Elias wanted to sleep with me and the next day what do I do? I get all cozied up with him. It makes me look bad like I'm the fraud."

"Look, there's clearly something sparking between you and Elias ever since you guys made out at that club. It was a coincidence, maybe fate that brought you guys back together who the hell knows really. But you have two choices. Either One: you ignore what you feel for Elias and crawl back to Thomas. But I honestly don't know why you even care what he thinks. He is a scumbag that cheated on you, and was a total asshat the whole duration of the relationship. You were just too blinded by him to see it. We both know how that story ends, it ends in Misery. He will never change and you will be collateral damage on his path to destruction."

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