Chapter 28: 8 Months Later

Start from the beginning




"Guess what I got," I smirk as Kim and I settle at the kitchen table for a snack after school.

"What?" She asks, not paying much attention.

"Oh, nothing, just two VIP tickets to the Illuminate Tour," I say, casually, picking at my nails.

Kim literally falls off her chair. "NO WAY!" She screams.

"Yes way! The concert is tonight. Want to come with me?" I ask her, excitement building up in me.

"Duh!" She replies and hugs me. I barely manage to hug back considering I'm sitting down and she's standing up.


We get to the concert an hour early, and it is already packed with A LOT of people. "Wow," Kim says, mind blown at how beautiful the stage lights are. "It's so huge."

"I know," I say, equally amazed.

We give the tickets to the guard standing by the stairs. He tears them and stands aside to let us in. We go up the stairs into the VIP section and wait for the concert to start.


Everyone screams, including me, as Shawn walks on the stage. He speaks to the crowd then performs his song. He's having a blast, I can tell. I'm so close to the stage but not that close. I let fans shove past me to the stage, in hope of touching him. I don't really mind, to be honest. For months I've been seeing glimpses of him laughing, taking and walking in the halls, in class, in the cafeteria... I let him go. Fans don't see him everyday like I do, so I won't complain at all.

I let him go, and I never tried to get him back. It's my fault if he's gone forever.


"I'm very sad to announce that the night is ending," Shawn announces after hours. I don't know how many hours since I was too happy dancing and enjoying the music. Damn, time is fast. All over the audience groans. "Before the last song, I would want to let someone up on stage with me," He announces. Everyone, including me, looks around. I really wonder who it is.

"Emma Smith, please come join me here," Shawn says. I look around for this pers—



I freeze, not knowing what to do. My savior, Kim, grabs my hand. "Go up to stage, dummy!" She orders me.

I do as told and climb up the stage.

Shawn has a huge grin on his face as I walk up to him. My heart is beating so hard against my chest I feel like it's gonna explode.

"Emma," He takes both my hands in his hands. Then he looks into my eyes.

I haven't looked into his brown eyes forever. I haven't had a proper conversation with him in forever. I haven't held his hands in forever.

Does forever end now?

Does forever even ever end?

Guess we're about to find out.

"I miss you so, so, so much," He starts and his voice echoes through the room. Some people in the audience cheer. "I miss your laugh. I miss your smile. I miss your eyes. I miss your everything." The whole audience let's out an 'aw' and I mentally melt.

"I knew I needed to make a grand gesture," He goes on. "So, Emma, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.




Did he just say what I think he said?

The whole audience goes silent, waiting for me to answer. I let out a small breathe, and I answer, "Yes."

Instantly, whole audience erupts with claps and cheers.

This really can't get any better.

The grin on Shawn's face is huge. He pulls me closer to him and presses his lips against mine and envelopes me into a tender kiss.

I spoke too soon, this can get better. And it is.

My heart is melting.

I love him so much.

We break apart and the audience seems to be cheering even louder.

"This one is for you," He tells me, picks up his guitar, and plays his song. I watch him with loving eyes.

I love him so much.

And I love destiny for leading me here.


1 more chapter left and this story will officially end.

I'M NOT OKAY. (#MCRForever)

Shoutout to my cousin for giving me the idea for the end. I had a different vision, but this one is SO much better. Love you, cousin!❤️

spreadingsmiles15 suggested Shem as a ship name for Shawn and Emma.

Vote please for your favorite through PM or just comment (If you have any better, don't be scared to suggest. I desperately need it for the next chapter!): Shemma, Emawn, Shem. 

Did you like this chapter?! PLEASE VOTE FOR IT❤️

I am so close to 3K and that means so much to me! Right now, I'm at 2.95K, and that legit makes me so happy that I can't stop smiling looking at the number.

This chapter is sincerely dedicated to all readers that have supported this story. You guys are my motivation for writing this story. Thank you so, so, so, so, so much. 

Author, J

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