Chapter Eight - Hospital

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A/N: Nearly 800 reads? I love you all! Keep reading, voting and giving feedback - you're all perfect and I can't thank you enough!<3
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
I stare down at my phone; why is an alarm going off? And how had I slept until eleven? Groaning, I stretch as I read what is displayed on the screen:
'Good morning! There's a note for you in the kitchen - Jake😘'
I press 'snooze' and collapse back into bed, too lazy to start the day. At twelve, I wake up again, all because of my alarm. Reading yet another message that makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter fantastically, I grin:
'Are you seriously not awake yet? - Jake💜'
I roll to the other side of the bed. It's empty, and cold. My instinct tells me to finally go to the kitchen, so I follow it and go. I trudge through the room, my eyes scanning the kitchen for a scarp of paper.

After a few minutes, I find it:
'Good Morning!:)' I read. 'Ive gone to the studio for some last minute recording, but I'll be back soon. Anyway, look at this!⤴️' There's an arrow pointing to a newspaper set down next to the note, and my eyes widen at the front page article.
'Is Jake Bugg settling down?'
I read on, intrigued at the publics view on us. There, inside the paper, is a two-page 'special' on our relationship. We haven't even been together that long! Turning my thoughts back to Jake, I read the rest of the note.
'Crazy, right? I love you XX' I smile, wanting to hug him at the very moment. To watch him, drowsy and unawake, as we would speak, his morning voice not failing to make me smile.

I grin cheesily, wondering what he thought of all this. Grabbing some cereal and milk, I combine the two and watch some TV. Comfortable, I snuggle up on the sofa as I read one of my texts:
'Congrats!btw those pics are everywhere!🎉💕' it's from Hannah. I chuckle, realising that the last time she'd seen me and Jake, we weren't together. This is a weird thought, seeing as it hadn't been long ago. The TV show ends and I clean up my bowl, placing it neatly in one of the cupboards above me. I walk to the bathroom as I take me hair out from the high ponytail it was in, locking the door behind me. I play my songs on shuffle whilst I shower. Whilst washing my hair, I'm suddenly aware that my phone had stopped playing music. Drying my hands, I reach over to find that an unknown number is calling. I quickly switch the shower off and wrap a towel round me as I take the call.

"Hello?" I say, unsure how to greet the stranger on the other end.
"Could we speak to Katie?"
"Speaking," my breath catches in my throat. Something's wrong.
"We have some bad news."
My heart stops for a second. "W-what is it?"
It feels like years before I hear a reply. "We're sorry to tell you this, but Jake's been involved in an accident. He was rushed to hospital a few minutes later, so we don't know about his condition, but he told us to call you nearly straight away."
"Are you sure it's him?" I ask stupidly.
"Definitely, ma'am."
"Is he in hospital? Can I see him?" I panic.
"We believe his injuries are only mild, but you're welcome to visit him."
Half-listening, I grab a pen and started to note down Jake's whereabouts.

Once I get off the phone, I pull on some leggings, a long jumper, and some ugg boots. I tie my un brushed hair into a ponytail, and grab my essentials; some money for transport,keys and my phone. What if it's really bad? I wonder, as my eyes start to grow wet. I couldn't cry here, I couldn't arrive at the hospital in a state, so I would have to be strong for Jake.
Trying to hurry, I pay the driver of the taxi the wrong amount of money and scramble out of the car. A few of the smokers outside the building give me funny looks as I quickly walk past, but I don't care. They don't know my situation, why should they?

"Can I help you?" A smile from behind a desk brings me back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm here to see here to see Jake Kennedy." I whimper. I need to be strong.
"If you go through the doors to the left, down the corridor, go right, then right again, you'll see room 412. He's in there." The blonde woman smiles reassuringly.
"Thank you," I plaster on a smile as I make my way to Jake's room. I find my way through the doors, then into a corridor that seemed to go on forever. God, my sense of direction was terrible. Carrying on, I near enough jog down the building, making my way past patients and nurses busily walking round. The woman at the desks voice echoes through my head.

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