Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Rosie's POV

I'm distracted from doing my make up by the warming feel of Gary's hands slide down my waist and stop somewhat near my bum, 

"Finally decided to wake up did we?" I smirk to him in the mirror,

"Yep and since Sam has got Brooke for another day, I have got a plan" He grins, lightly kissing my neck, and trying not to fall weak at the knees I turn around and put my hands on his perfect bare chest,

"What's the plan?" I smile, planting wet, soft kisses on to his collar bone, 

"That's a surprise baby" He quietly replies, pulling me in to his body. He lifts my chin and gently kisses me, "Finish getting ready and we'll go" He smirks against my mouth. 

"Yes captain" I grin. When I walk down the stairs I am pleasantly greeted by Gary, wearing his tight black jean, his navy blue shirt and those blue suede shoes that I love.

"Don't you look handsome" I smile,

"Well if you say so" He smirks, "You look gorgeous baby" He smiles, taking my hand as I get to the bottom step,

"Gary, i'm wearing skinny jeans and a baggy jumper" I half laugh as I slip on my converse,

"Perfect" He smiles, "Let's go" He adds, grabbing his keys and my hand. As we hit the country roads i'm left confused as where he could be taking me,

"Just tell me where i'm going, I hate surprises" I laugh,

"I'm not telling you Chloe" Gary smirks as he keeps his eyes on the road,

"Come on" I grin, sliding my hand down his thigh,

"Nope" He takes a quick glance at me, "Just wait, we will be there in 10 minutes".

Sure enough, 10 minutes later and we are pulling in to a drive way, 

"Where are we?" I ask slowly. Gary turns off the car and stares at me for a second or two,

"Follow me" He grins, getting out of the car and rushing to my door and opening it before I have a chance, 

"Thank you" I smirk as he so veru gentlemanly helps me out of the car.

"Pleasure baby" He smiles. He takes my hand and leadsme in to a foresty area,

"Gary seriously, it looks like you're going to murder me" I laugh as we head 100ft inwards,

"That may happen if you don't be patient" Gary smirks, jumping over a puddle so he doesn't ruin his shoes.

"Look 45 degrees to your right" Gary smiles, I do as he says and when I look up i'm taken back a little,

"A tree house?" I smile, "Is it yours?" I add, as Gary leads us closer to it,

"Yeah, my Dad, Ian and I made it when we were kids, and Dad told me to bring the woman I loved here, you're the first woman to be shown here" He smiles,

"What?" My eyes begin to fill with water as Gary takes my hands as we stand below his tree house, 

"I want you to be the only one" He smiles, pulling me closer to him. I try to process the last 30 seconds as one single tear rolls down my cheek,

"I hope that's a bloody happy tear" Gary smirks, making me laugh as I push my face in to the crook of his neck, all I can do is nod.

"Get up there" He says, kissing the top of my head,

"Okay, okay" I laugh as Gary pushed my bum up a ladder, "Please don't let me fall" I laugh, trying to hide my height fear. When I get up I am struck back by the beauty of the interior of Gary's tree house,

"Wow" I exhale,

"Ian and Dad did the paint work, I was always shite at art" Gary smiles, as he wraps his arms around my upper body,

"It's so incredible" I smile, kissing Gary's bicep,

"It's where I come sometimes, when I need to think" Gary kisses my neck softly,

"I can't believe i'm the only women you've shown this to" I turn around to look at Gary,

"I love you, why wouldn''t I" He smiles,

"I'm so happy you've shown me, best surprise I could ever ask for" I smile, leaning in to him and kissing him softly on the mouth,

"Oh shit" Gary laughs as he nearly falls out of the tree,

"Oh my god" I laugh, pulling him back. He moves forward in to the tree house, "Do you think your Dad would mind if we made out?" I smirk,

"I think he be pretty chuffed that you're here, so lets make out" He smiles, pulling me in to his lap and holding me firmly at the waist,

"Permission to kiss you?" He smirks,

"Permission granted captain" I smile, letting Gary press his soft lips against mine, his stubbled face comforting me as his kisses make way down my neck.

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