Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Chloe's POV

I quickly slip on my skinny jeans and vest top, as I hear the sound of the phone going, I run to get it,

"Hello" I answer,

"Miss James, Mr Barlow is here to see you" The receptionist replies,

"Okay, let him up" I smile, putting the phone down. I start pacing the living room as I wait nervously for the door to knock, and when it does I don't know whether to jump up with excitement, or hide, so I walk to the door and when I open it Gary is standing with a bunch of flowers in his hands, 

"Hey" I smile,

"Morning" He replies, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek, 

"Come in" I insist, leading him to the living room, 

"Thanks, oh, these are for you" He smirks, handing me the lilys,

"This is very sweet, thank you" I blush, taking the flowers and placing them in a vase, "I'll get my shoes and then i'm ready"I smile, 

"Okay" Gary replies, putting his hands in his very skinny jeans' pockets, I rush in to the bedroom and slip on a pair of Vans, when I walk back in to the living room he is sitting on my sofa, 

"Ready" I smile, he turns his head and looks at me for a second,

"Okay.. let's go" He replies. We get out of my hotel and he's parked his car right outside, "

"Get in then" He laughs, opening the door of his Aston Martin DB9, 

"Wow" I smile, "This is nice" I add, sitting on the leather seats, 

"So, like my car?" He smirks, getting in the other side,

"Very much so" I grin, 

"Good" he laughs. He pulls away, driving out of London, 

"Where are we going then?" I ask, staring at the side of his very handsome, stubbled face, 

"You'll see" He smirks. About half an hour later we pull up at a gravelled parking lot, Gary gets out and opens my door for me, I step out and look around, 

"Where are we?" I half laugh, 

"At a lake, no one really knows about it, it's quiet" He smiles, "Shall we?" He asks, I nod and take his arm. We walk so we're literally on the edge of the lake, and we sit down, 

"So we've got some talking then" Gary laughs,

"I guess we have a bit" I wink, "You're talking about my daughter I imagine?" I ask,

"Yeah, tell me about her?" Gary asks, looking in to my eyes,

"Well, she's two, her name is Brooke, and she's pretty much a mini version of me" I smile, showing Gary a picture of her on my phone,

"She's adorable, Brooke's a lovely name" He replies,

"You can start running now if you want" I laugh, 

"Alright then" Gary winks, "No, don't be silly, we've all got some baggage, and yours is pretty amazing" He smiles, 

"What's your baggage then Gary?" I ask, 

"Well now that would be telling" He winks, 

"C'mon, i'm not one to judge" I smile, comfortingly,

"Okay, well my last relationship was 4 years ago and it ended because my fiance had an abortion of our child without telling me, then she fled the country" Gary sighs,

"Shit, i'm sorry for bringing that up" I reply, putting my hand on his leg,

"No, it's good to get it out there" He half smiles,

"Well at least we've got that out of the way" I smile. Gary and I sit talking and laughing for a long time, until my phone starts to ring, I look at the caller I.D, great, my ex,

"Hello Sam" I answer bluntly,

"I need you to have Brooke" He replies,

"Why?" I ask, 

"I've had the call Chlo" He sighs, "They need me back on the sea, can I meet you at yours in an hour?" He adds, 

"Fine Sam, see you in a bit" I sigh, I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Gary who's staring at me,

"Who's Sam?" He asks, 

"The unfortunate father of my daughter, he's needed back with the Marines"I half laugh, 

"Oh, so you need to go back home?" Gary asks, 

"If that's no trouble"I pout,

"Not at all" He smiles. 

We get back to the hotel and Gary walks me to my door, 

"He's not going to be here for another half an hour or so" I smile, unlocking the door, 

"That's nice" He winks,

"Get inside" I laugh, I flip the kettle on, and we sit on the sofa, Gary with his arm around me, 

"The other day, you told me he wasn't strong, he's a bloody marine" Gary talks about Sam,

"Yeah, for a marine, he's quite weak" I laugh, when there's a knock,

"Shit" Gary sighs, 

"Come with me..." I ask, the not so sure Gary follows me to the door, when I open it, Sam is standing with Brooke in his arms, Brooke wriggles free and runs towards me and hugs my legs. Gary is standing beside me and Sam notices him,

"Chlo" He nods, "Hi, i'm Sam" He adds, shaking Gary's hand, very firnly by the look of it, 

"Gary" He replies, Sam walks in with Brooke's stuff and places it in the bedroom,

"Chlo can I have a word?" Sam asks me,

"Sure" I sigh, "You don't mind sitting with Brooke do you?" I ask Gary,

"No" He smiles, I walk in to the kitchen with Sam and he looks pretty pissed,

"Really, you're going for celebrity's now?" He snaps at me, 

"Fuck off Sam, i'm allowed to go out with anyone I want" I reply, 

"I know, I just though you would have given it more than a few months before you went and started fucking singers" He shouts, 

"I'm not like you Sam, I don't fuck people I've only known for a week" I reply, "Now be quiet before Brooke hears you" I sigh, I walk in to the living room to see Brooke sat on Gary's lap playing with his hair, 

"Darling, i've got to go now" Sam lifts her from his lap and kisses her on the lips, Gary stands up and we walk Sam to the door, 

"See you in a few months darling, I love you" He says to Brooke, 

"Lob oo dadda" She replies, hugging him, 

"See ya Chlo" He says, "Nice to meet you mate" He nods at Gary, 

"Yeah" Gary replies, wrapping his arm around my waist, "Safe trip mate" Gary adds sarcasticly, 

"I will" Sam squints his eyes. We walk back in to the room and Brooke starts playing with some toys that had fallen out of her bags, 

"Sorry about him" I sigh, shaking my head,

"Hey, he seems... nice" Gary laughs, "Jealous, but the man does a great job, so I can't kick his ass" He adds, standing close to me, our chests nearly touching, 

"He's really a cock" I whisper, smiling at Gary, 

"I bet" He smirks, "I should really leave you and Brooke for the night, maybe we could all do something when you're free next" Gary smiles,

"I'd like that" I blush, "

"Call me when Brooke's asleep?" He asks,

"Mhm" I smile, Gary plants a small kiss on my lips, 

"Bye Brooke" He calls before closing the door, leaving me smiling.

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