Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Gary's POV

A few weeks later,

I'm laying on my sofa, laughing at a celebrity juice re run, when my phone starts to ring,

"Hello babe, you okay?" I answer the phone to Chloe,

"Gary" Her voice sounds quiet and scared, 

"What's up?" I sit up and mute the tele,

"I've just had a call from Brooke's nursery, she's been put in to a coma" Her voice breaks as she pushes the words from her mouth, "I didn't know who else to call, Mum and Dad are away and Sam wont answer his phone" She adds, 

"Okay, where are you? I'm coming to get you" I say, standing up and getting my shoe's from the hallway,

"Im, im at work still" She stutters,

"I'm coming, meet me out the front in 15 minutes" I say, grabbing my keys,

"Thank you"  She whispers,

"I won't be long" I end the call and run to my car, the only thing on my mind right now is getting Chloe and hoping  that the little girl will fight out of this coma.

I pull up along side the busy street and see Chloe propped up against the wall, I get out of the car and run towards her, she notices me and you can tell she's holding back floods of tears,

"Come on babe" I put my hands on her waist and she just flops around me, her heads dropped against my shoulder and I feel a wet patch. I lead her in to the car and help her weak body in, when I get in the car she avoids looking at me, "Speak to me" I take her hand and she squeezes it tight,

"An older child picked up a brick, one from outside, you know like a concrete brick and threw it at her, and it hit her on the head" She cries as tears stream off of her face,

"That's fucking horrible" I pull her in to my chest and hold her for a while,

"Sorry" She apologizes,

"Ai, don't be silly, you've held it together better than I ever could" I kiss the top of her head, "Shall we go to the hospital" I ask, she nods and sits up, wiping her face with her blazer sleeve.

We get to the hospital entrance and I put my hand around Chloe's waist, and she squeezes my arm tighter as we take each step closer to the reception, when we get to the reception Chloe freezes,

"Her little girls been rushed in, her names Brooke Thomas" I say,

"Okay, she's on the 5th floor, children's unit, room 4, it's just to your right as you reach the floor" The receptionist points to the lift,

"Thank you very much" I smile, "Come on Chlo" I whisper, and she looks up at me with her red eyes and tries to smile. When we reach the floor there are two of the nursery workers that I breifly saw when I went with Chloe to take Brooke in this morning, 

"We're so sorry" They apoligise, Chloe let go of my hand,

"It's not your fault, children do silly things" Chloe sighs, "You don't have to stay anymore, but thank you for staying with her though" Chloe smiles, 

"That's okay, please get in contact with us when you find out more about Brooke" The lady pats Chlo on the shoulder, "Sorry again" She sighs. 

"Come in with me" She takes my hand and pulls me through the door, we both stand speechless as there lays her tiny body, absolutly peaceful but in another way not, I don't know what to say and I feel my self welling up,

"She's going to be okay" I lift Chloe's hand and plant a gentle kiss on it,

"She is a fighter" Chloe nods,

"That's the right attitude darling" I smile down at her, I know she's far from okay, but she's doing so well, I would have broken down by now. 

A few hours pass and Chloe breaks the long silence,

"You can go home Gary, you've been here for nearly 5 hours now" She looks at me from across the room,

"I'm staying, until she wakes up" I raise my eyebrow, standing up and walking over to her,

"Why? you can just come back in the morning, its past 7 now" She sighs,

"I want to stay" I reply,

"Why would you want to do that?" She asks,

"Because I love you both" I nod, suprising myself as well as Chloe,

"You what?" she narrows her eyebrows at me, 

"I love you, both of you" I smile,

"Good" She half laughs, "I love you too" She adds, I kiss her on the top of the head, "I think I should try and call Sam again" Chloe looks up at me,

"Yeah okay" I nod,

"I will be back in a second" She smiile. I'm left with Brooke, I take her little hand from under the blanket and hold it, 

"Come on darlin', wake up for Daddy Gary" I smile to myself as I replay her saying it to me in my head, "Mummy, Daddy and me need you to wake up, come on baby girl" I repeat over and over, until Chloe walks back in,

"Any luck?" I ask,

"Yeah, he's in scotland with some friends, but he's coming back now, he broke down on the end of the phone" Chloe looks to the ground,

"I know this is going to be a time where you and Sam are going to need eachother" I smile, "So don't feel guilty that you're feeling emotional about his breakdown" I add,

"I know we will need eachother, but he's not going to kick you out of here, because I need you as much or more than I need him" She says seriously,

"Good, now come talk to Brooke with me, talk her in to waking up soon" I half smile, 

"Or waking up now" Chloe sighs, taking my hand and sitting on my lap.

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