Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Chloe's POV

A few days later.

I wake up when I hear Gary and Brooke playing on the bed. I turn around, making sure I stay under the duvet after Gary pulling all of my clothes off after a few glasses of wine last night. 

"Morning Gorgeous" Gary greets me, bending down and kissing me on the cheek,

"Hey" I giggle as his stubble tickles my cheek, 

"Hungover?" He grins, running his hand under the duvet and down my body,

"Very" I grin, pushing his hand away, sitting up with the duvet tucked under my chin,

"Mummy" Brooke smiles, throwing herself over the bed and on to my lap, cuddling me very lightly around the neck,

"Baby, why don't you go and get your toys from your bedroom" Gary smiles. Brooke nods hysterically and slides off the silk sheets and runs off in to her room,

"I've got to go to the studio today" Gary pouts, straddling over my lap and running his hands through my hair,

"I'm sure I can manage alone for the day, Brooke's going with Sam at 1 anyway, so i'll get a peaceful day" I grin, kissing his hand,

"Come with me?" He asks, kissing me on the lips, 

"I could do once Sam's picked Brooke up" I smile against his lips,

"He can pick her up from the studio" He grins, pulling down the duvet  and brushing his hands over my breasts, 

"You just want to tease Sam, with all your equipment" I giggle, pushing him off me and grabbing his shirt from the floor and slipping it on,

"Why would I do that?" He smirks, knowing that i've caught him out,

"Because you're very, very competitive Gary" I giggle,

"You look good in my shirt" Gary grins, pulling me on top of him and kissing me again, 

"Kiss Gawy" Brooke screams when she runs in the bedroom holding her doll,

"Jealous" I laugh, winking at Gary. He bends his head back over the edge of the bed and kisses Brooke, 

"Love you darling" He smiles, 

"Love you" She squeals happily, before running away all embarrassed, 

"I've got competition" I grin, running my nails gently down his bare torso, 

"You better watch out" He winks, grabbing me by the wrist and throwing me down on the bed, so he's kneeling above me, "Get ready" He winks.

We're walking through the big building in the middle of London where Take That's studio is based. We get to a lift where Gary let's Brooke press the 10th floor button,

"Weeeeee" Brooke squeals as the lift starts to move,

"She's very much like you" Gary smirks, sneakily pinching my bum,

"Yeah, people say that alot" I giggle. We get to they floor and Brooke runs out and escapes down the corridor, 

"Brooke" I call, running after her. Jason walks out of the studio and grabs her just before she can escape any where else, 

"Naughty Brooke, running away from Mummy" He giggle, tickling Brooke,

"Thank you Jason" I smile, as he spins her around and takes her in to the studio,

"Pleasure" He winks, placing her on top of Gary's piano,

"Hello boys, oh hey Alex" I smile, walking over to her and giving her a friendly hug,

"You okay?" I smile, as Gary catches up with the boys,

"I'm good" She smiles,

"So Gary and I didn't scare you off" I laugh, 

"I don't get scared too easy" She winks, "Is that your little one?" She asks, "

"Yeah, she's called Brooke" I smile, walking Alex over to meet her.

"Brooke" I smile, "Say hello to Alex" I add,

"Hello A'ex" She giggles, before going shy in to Jason's neck,

"She's beautiful" Alex smile,

"Aw, thank you, her fathers going to be along in a bit to pick her up" I sigh,

"Oh, what happened with him?" She asks, "If you don't mind me asking" She half laughs,

"It's fine, he cheated on me, more than once" I sigh again,

"What a dick" She winks, "Can't wait to meet him" She laughs. 

There's a knock on the studio door and Gary goes to answer it, 

"Baby, it's Sam" Gary says smugly,

"Okay, come on, say goodbye to everyone" I say to Brooke, as Sam walks in and stands by the door,

"DADDY" She screams running away from Robbie and jumping in to Sam's arms,

"Sam" I nod, walking over to the door to say goodbye, 

"Chloe" He replies, picking up Brooke and holding her in his arms,

"Does your boyfriend have to be so smug?" He snaps,

"Don't start Samuel" I warn, pointing my finger at him,

"He hates me, for no reason Chloe, the man doesn't know me" He says loudly. Gary walks over and stands close beside me,

"Is there a problem?" He asks,

"You're the problem mate" He whispers,

"Brooke come here" I say, pulling her out of Sam's arms and running to give her to Jason, "Hold her please" I beg. I run back over to seperate them both, but i'm too late, Gary has pushed Sam in to the corridor and they are both throwing punches at one another,

"Gary get off him" I shout, grabbing him by the t-shirt and tugging at it, he ignores me and carry's on throwing hard punches at Sam, and Sam throwing them just as hard back, 

"GARY, SAM" I shout again, this time getting their attention and pulling Gary away from Sam, "Get up, the both of you" I snap, "Are you taking Brooke or not?" I ask, 

"Yes" Sam snaps, wiping the blood from his nose and lip,

"Darling, come here" I call, in a nicer tone, Brooke comes running out, "Bye baby" I kiss her on the head before giving Sam the sign to leave. I shake my head at Gary before storming back in to the studio and in to the kitchen to make a drink,

"Chloe" Gary chases after me, blood dripping from his face, 

"What the fuck was that about Gary?" I snap, shouting loud I hear the guys in the other room go quiet, 

"He was bad mouthing you, it's called defending you" He snaps back, hitting his fist against the counter,

"He's been bad mouthing me for over 4 years Gary, if I wanted to do something I would have" I snap back, walking back in to the studio in frustration,

"Listen to me" He grabs me by the arm and pulls me so i'm facing him, "If anyone calls you a slag, i'm going to hit them, you need to get used to that" He says in a degrading tone,

"I don't have to get used to anything" I snap, pulling my arm away from him and walking out of there, slamming the door behind myself. I walk a few meters down the corridor before stopping and 

falling against the wall and sliding down it, so my knees are against my chest.

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