Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chloe's POV

We're sitting on the table, Gary and I on one side with Brooke at the head of the table and Mum and Dad opposite us, 

"So, how long have you two been together?"  Mum asks, I look at Gary,

"Erm, about a month I think" Gary smiles,

"Yeah, just over a month" I smile at Gary, 

"Oh, how did we not find out until now" Mum laughs,

"I don't know, you live in a sheltered  world Mum" I grin,

"Gawy, Gawy Gawy" Brooke squeals,

"Yes darling" Gary laughs, Brooke goes shy and hides behind her hands,

"Have you heard from Sam love, is he okay?" Mum asks,

"Er, yeah, he's out of the hospital now, he came around earlier to see Brooke for 10 minutes" I smile,

"Good, poor man" Mum replies, "Has Gary met him?" She adds,

"Yep" I nod, taking a sip of water,

"Did that go bad then?" Mum asks,

"No, not really, he's just a bit jealous I think" I reply. I put my hand under the table and Gary grabs it,

"Well he'll have to get over it and stop being so petty" Dad says, 

"Yeah" I smile. When we finish dinner, Mum and Dad take us in to the garden, Brooke runs off and pulls Gary to play with her garden toys,

"So, what do you think Mum?" I smile and lean against the wall,

"Gary Barlow, Chloe, I know how much this man means to you, and he's more lovely in real life" Mum smiles, "And more good looking" She grins, 

"He's so so nice, and look how much Brooke like him" I smile, looking down the garden to see Gary pushing Brooke on her trike,

"I was about to say that love, it looks like she really loves him" Dad smiles,

"Yeah, and do you like him Dad?" I ask,

"I prefer him to Samuel" He nods, and that's always a good thing. I walk down the garden to Brooke and Gary,

"Mummy" Brooke calls, running over to me and hugging my legs, 

"Brookey" I giggle, picking her up and cuddling her, "You look tired baby" I pout as she rubs her eyes, Brooke nods, "Do you want to come with me to lay her on the sofa?" I ask Gary, 

"Yeah" Gary nods, following me to the house,

"We're just going to lay Brooke on the sofa okay" I smile to my parents who are getting comfy on the grass,

"Okay love" Mum smiles. I carry Brooke in to the living room and put her on the leather sofa's,

"Banky" Brooke moans, asking for her blanket, 

"Could you get the changing bag please Gary" I smile,

"Course" Gary smiles, walking in to the hallway and picking the bag up, 

"Thank you" I smile sweetly, "Here you go baby" I hand Brooke the pink blanket which she squeezes tight and bites the end of, I watch as her eyes quickly fall closed, 

"That was easy" Gary whispers,

"Too easy" I smile. I stand up and Gary takes my waist,

"So, do your parents like me?" Gary smiles, I put my hands on his chest, running my finger in a circular motion,

"They do, Mum said that you're lovely and very attractive" I smirk, 

"Mothers love me" Gary grins, kissing me, I copy his movements, running my hands up his chest and through his fluffy, slightly too long hair,

"Is that why I like you then?" I mumble against his lips,

"Mhm" Gary moans. I gently run my teeth over his bottom lip before pulling away from him,

"How about your dad?" Gary asks,

"He likes you more than he liked Sam, so yeah, he likes you" I grin,

"Good" Gary smiles in a satisfied way, I can already tell Sam and Gary are going to get on very well, if very well means wanting to kill eachother.

"So I think we have to go Mum, I told Sam he could have Brooke at 4 for a couple of hours" I smile, and stand up, walking in to the house where Brooke is still asleep, 

"Okay love, let us walk you out" Mum smiles, 

"I'll get Brooke" Gary smiles sweetly,

"Thank you" I grin, he walks over and gently picks Brooke up and resting her head on his shoulder,

"I'll get the door" Dad rushes past us to open the door,

"It was a pleasure meeting you Gary" Dad smiles at Gary, 

"Likewise Mr James" He replies, 

"I hope we'll get to see you again soon Gary" Mum says, kissing him on the cheek, and Brooke on the forehead,

"I hope so as well, dinner was lovely, thank you" Gary smiles, taking a step outside the front door,

"You're welcome any time son" Dad smiles, 

"Bye guys, I love you" I smile before following behind Gary. Gary fastens Brooke in to the car and closes the door quietly,

"That went well" I sigh happily as I lean against the car with Gary's body close in front of me,

"Yep, it did" Gary smirks,

"Shall we go back to mine" I smile,

"Yeah, and when Sam takes Brooke, we can finish what we started this morning ai?" Gary grins excitedly, I nod and grab his face, kissing him quickly on the lips as I look up and see my parents still staring at us,

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Dad shouts as i'm about to step in the car, I try not to cringe at the thought my dad has left in my head, but later, i'm going to do alot of things to that man beside me, I think to my self as we pull away.

Lucky- Gary Barlow Fan Fiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora