Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Gary's POV

1 Week Later

I drive around to the car park behind Chloe's hotel to park my car and I see a mob of women waiting there, I get out and they run towards me with camera's and sharpie pens, 

"GARY" They're all shouting and screaming towards me, I do a few pictures before I politely tell them I have to go. When I get to reception Chloe is already walking out of the lift,

"Hey, how did you know I was here?" I ask, hugging her,

"The mob of screaming women gave me a clue" Chloe giggles, 

"Yeah, god knows how they found me" I wink, taking her hand as we head for the streets of  London, 

"Things get around quick these days" Chloe smiles, 

"They really do" I reply as we get push through the grounds and back in to my car, I start it up and pull away, leaving the mob of women behind us,

"Wow" Chloe sighs,

"What?" I ask, looking over at her as we pull up in traffic,

"I don't know how you can take that every single day" Chloe smirks,

"It's been like that for a very long time now" I grin, "Anyway, where's Brooke?" I ask,

"She's at my mums, I told my mum I was going on a date but she still doesn't know who with" I half laugh,

"Why haven't you told her?" I smile,

"Well i've seen pictures of us in newspapers and on the internet, and if she doesn't read about current affairs, then its her fault" Chloe giggles, I laugh in response. 

We pull up at a small pub on the outside of Essex, 

"My friend Sarah has closed her pub for the night so we can hang out in there" Chloe smiles, 

"Cool, I wish my friend owned a pub" I wink, 

"C'mon" Chloe smiles. We get out and i'm actually really nervous because every man knows that if the girls friends don't like you then you're screwed. Chloe knocks on the door of the pub, she looks up at me and smiles sweetly making me feel more comfortable. 

The door opens and greets us is a women, Sarah I presume, 

"Hey Chlo" She smiles, hugging her, "Hi, i'm Sarah" She smiles at me and shakes my hand,

"Hey, Gary" I introduce myself,

"Come in and meet everyone" She smiles, leading us in to the bar, 

"Right so everyone this is Gary" Chloe smiles, "Gary, this is, Sophie and her boyfriend Oliver, thats Abby and her hisband Liam and that's the singletons, Emma, Izzy and Sarah who you've already met" 

"Hi everyone" I smile awkwardly, "

"Hey mate, fancy a drink?" Oliver asks me,

"I shouldn't mate, i'm driving" I smile politely,

"Then a coke?" He asks, 

"That'll be grand mate" I reply. I stand with Chloe as her friends ask me loads if questions about the band and things like that,

"So, Chloe never told us how you guys met..." Sarah says,

"Well it's quite funnt actually, I walking down the highstreet and she fell over in front of me" I laugh, and Chloe starts to blush,

"You're easily pleased then" Oliver laughs,

"I guess all you have to do is fall over in front of me" I wink, and Chloe puts her arm around my waist,

"Just to clear things up I was late for work" Chloe laughs, 

"Okay then" I mock, 

"Be quiet" Chloe laughs, tapping me on the chest, "Girls come with me to the bathroom" Chloe smiles, "I'll be back in a second" She kisses me on the cheek before leaving me with Oliver and Liam,

"You watch football Gary?" Liam asks,

"Yeah, of course" I grin,

"What team do you support mate?" He asks,

"Liverpool mate" I smile,

"Good lad" He winks at me,

"They're playing Man United next weekend, if you guys aren't busy I can get us some top seats" I smile,

"Sweet mate" Oliver smile,

"Here. give me your phones, i'll put my number in" I take there phones and dial in my number, and they do the same to my phone, "Cool" I smile. A few mintues of footy talk later, the girls walk back in from the bathroom,

"Hey" I smile, as she walks over to me, 

"Hey, fancy coming back to mine and watching a film?" She smirks at me,

"Mhm" I nod,

"Okay, guys we're gonna head home" Chloe smiles,

"Yeah we know what that means Chloe" Sarah mocks,

"Shut it" Chloe laughs,

"It was nice meeting you all" I smile as we head for the bar door, "See you all soon" I add,

"Bye" They all say as we leave.

We get back to Chloe's place and we head for the lift,

"Did your friends like me?" I ask, as the lift doors close,

"Mhm, alot" She smiles, she leans her head on my chest and puts her arms around my body,

"Good" I smile on the top of her head, when we ge to to the floor Chloe grabs my hand and pulls me to the room,

"Why are you rushing" I laugh, as she un locks the door,

"Well i'm really turned on right now" She grins, and presses her lips on to mine as we rush to her room, 

"I did not expect that" I giggle as she rips my clothes off.

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