Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Chloe's POV

I'm pacing around the hospital room, playing with my thumbs. Gary's fallen asleep on the chair beside Brooke, he's still holding her hand. I look up at the door and I see Sam standing on the other side crying. I walk over and step outside,

"Come here" I put my arms out and hug him, he needs me just as much as I needed Gary 10 hours ago,

"Is she, is she going to be okay, Chlo?" He whispers,

"Of course she is Sam, she's our fighter" I reply softly,

"Yeah, she is" He nods, "Let's go in then" He breaths out loudly and rubs his eyes. He walks in and Gary wakes up,

"Hi mate" Sam nods,

"Sam" Gary replies,

"Do you mind just giving me one minute alone with Brooke?" He asks us,

"Not at all" Gary stands up and shakes Sam's hand, we step outside the door and we both lean against the wall. We both stand for a while, thinking about the day probably, trying to accept what's happened. 

"I just want to hear her say my name, and laugh, this can't be it Gary" I say, a tear rolls down my cheek,

"You know she'll wake up, she's not going to leave you" Gary says, 

"Us" She says,

"What?" I ask, looking at her,

"She's not going to leave us" She smiles,

"Yeah, that's what I meant" I nod, "You look like you need caffine, I will go and get us a drink, what does Sam drink?" Gary asks,

"Erm, coffee, black" I fake smile,

"Okay, see you in a sec" He kisses me, "I love you" He adds,

"I love you too" I smile. I walk back in to the room and Sam's sitting on the side of the bed,

"Gary's gone to get us all a drink" I say as I close the door,

"Okay, so he's still around?" Sam looks at me,

"Really, you want to start right now?" I snap,

"I'm curious, we're gonna be here for some time, and I just want to catch up" He says, 

"Yeah.,," I sigh, "Yes, he's still here, and he was the one that I called first, I really love him Sam and Brooke does too" I smile,

"I care about you Chloe, and as long as you're happy and my daughters happy, so am I" He says, 

"There's something wrong with you Sam" I half laugh,

"Yeah there is, our daughters in a coma, and I would do anything right now for her to wake up" He says, tears rolling off of his cheeks and hitting the cold floor,

"I know Sam, I know.." 

"Hello Mrs James, i'm really sorry to have to say this, but Brooke has been in an accident at nursery and has been taken to the hospital, she's been put in to a coma Mr James, i'm so so sorry" my world seems to stop, my heart along with it, this has got to be some kind of sick nightmare, my baby is not in a coma, I need to call Gary, I need him, he's going to understand more than anyone how it feels, I know he hasn't got a child but knowing that his ex got rid of it, it was heartbreaking for him, he can help me, I know he can. 

The door of the room slowly opens and in emerges Gary, with 3 cups of coffee,

"Hey" He fake smiles, 

"Hi" I stand up and take a cup from him, he hands Sam one and then comes and stands beside me,

"Thanks for getting to Chloe so quick today man" Sam says to Gary, I look up at Gary who looks more confused then i've ever seen a person before,

"Sure mate, no problem" He nods, 

"I'm sure Brooke would be happy to see you, last weekend when I had her, she was chatting away about you" Sam half laughs,

"She's a good girl" Gary smiles, 

"Gary, sit down, i'll sit on your lap" I pull his hand. He sits on the chair and I sit on his lap, and I rest my head on his shoulder, I close my eyes for a second or two but the tiredness takes over.

I'm woken up by the jolt of Gary's body moving forwards, I look up at him and he's smiling,

"What?" I ask, sitting up properly, 

"Brooke just moved" Gary says, I shoot up off of his lap and over to the side of the hospital bed, I look down at her as her fingers twitch and her lips begin to move slightly, I look up and Gary and Sam are standing on the other side of the bed, both of them with their hands on Brooke,

"Brooke darling" I whisper, and her eyes begin to flutter slightly, a tear rolls of my cheek as her eyes open and she rolls on to her side. In runs a doctor who unplugs the coma machine,

"we've got to take some more tests now she's awake, but your little girls going to be fine I think" The doctor smiles,

"Thank you so much" Sam smiles, shaking the doctors hand roughly,

"Mumma, Addy, Addy Gawy" Brooke says with a croaky voice, 

"Hello Dar" I pick her up and hold her for as long as I can before she tries to escape,

"Gawy" She pulls at his leg until he picks her up and she burys her face in his neck,

"Hello girlie" He smiles, "Go see Daddy" Gary smiles, handing Brooke over to an overwhelmed Sam. Gary walks over to me and puts his hand on my waist, I turn to face him but can't help but throw my arms around his neck and kiss him a few times,

"Tell Mummy to get a room" Sam laughs,

"Get a woom" Brooke laughs hystericially, I can't help but smile back at her.

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