Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Gary's POV

I'm about to push open the bedroom door when a mover stops me,

"I need to put some things in there" The man goes to push past me,

"No" I stop him, "Give me a few minutes" I smile,

"Okay Mr Barlow" He replies. When I open the door, Chloe isn't seeming to take the joke as good as I expected, 

"Un tie me now Gary" She snaps,

"Okay" I laugh, I loosen the tie and she shoots away from me, grabbing her clothes on the way and locking her self in the en-suite bathroom. 

"Chloe" I run to the door and bang on it,

"Go away Gary" She replies, 

"I'm sorry" I pout, dropping my forehead on to the door,

"Good" She snaps, 

"It was meant to be a funny joke, Chlo" I reply,

"Yeah, well it was humiliating and embarrassing, I mean what if someone had come in Gary?" She shouts back at me, i'm left speechless, she's right, that man was about to go in there, and she would have been so embarrassed,

"Let me take you out, to say sorry" I offer, knocking on the door quietly,

"Dinner isn't going to make you less of a dick" She shouts back, I open my mouth to reply when the bathroom door swings open and Chloe come out, pushing past me and walking towards the bedroom door,

"Where are you going?" I ask, grabbing her wrist.

"Out Gary, for a walk" She tries to pull away but I stop her, 

"Please don't, it was a stupid thing to do, I thought you would have found it funny" I say, trying to hide my smile,

"It would have been, if there wasn't 10 people in your house" She sighs, 

"Our house" I smile,

"Yeah, well this is a brilliant way to start our first day living together" She sighs again,

"I know darling, let's go out for lunch and you can be annoyed with me all day" I run my thumb around her palm,

"Fine, but you're paying for lunch" She smirks,

"Yes dear" I smile,

"Don't start Barlow" She giggles, 

"Ai, sorry" I grin, "Let's go then" I smile. 

When we get to our table in a small restaurant just outside London, Chloe puts her hands over the table and starts toying with my fingers,

"Gary" She smirks,

"Yes darling?" I smile,

"Look at these marks" She slides up her sleeves to reveal bruised starting to form around her wrists.

"Shit" I half laugh, "I must have been rough" I smirk uncontrollably, 

"Yeah, a tiny bit Gary" She giggles, pulling back down her sleeves and playing with my hands again,

"I would say i'm sorry, but i'm not" I smirk, 

"Bastard" She laughs. My phone starts to ring and when I answer it, it's Rob,

"Hey Rob" I answer, 

"Hi Gaz, I need to talk to you" He replies,

"What have you done?" I ask, 

"No, nothing bad Gaz, there's this girl that i've been seeing for a while" I stop him, 

"Why don't know about this girl" I pout, 

"Stay focused Gaz" Rob laughs, "I need you and Chloe to have a double date with me, so you can tell me if she's the one" Rob says more seriously,

"So you like her?" I ask, 

"I really do Gary" He replies,

"What's she called?" I ask, 

"Alex" He replies, and I can tell that he's smiling, 

"Okay, text me later, i'm at lunch okay" I reply,

"Okay mate, see ya" He says. 

"So Robbie has a girl?" Chloe smirks, 

"He does, and we have a double date" I grin,

"Yay" Chloe replies sarcsticially, "

"Oi, none of that cheek" I raise my eyebrow, 

"Sorry Mr Barlow" She laughs,

"Have you forgiven me yet?" I pout, giving the best puppy dog eyes I could,

"I don't know" He holds back a smile, "You did leave me there for a long time" she grins,

"Okay, I will sing to you" I smirk, I look at her and start singing A million love songs, quietly at first. I watch as her cheeks become redder and redder. I stop after a verse or two and she's smiling,

"I guess I forgive you" She smiles, 

"Good, let's go shopping" I smile, 

"What?" She looks at me confused, 

"Well if we have a date coming up soon, we need new clothes" I smile, 

"Okay then" Chloe smiles.

As we're strolling down the high street we see Chloe's Mum,

"Hey mum" She smiles and hugs her, 

"Hello dear, what are you doing out of work?" Her mum asks as she briefly smiles at me,

"Well, Brooke and I are moving in to Gary's, so I got the day off work to unpack, we're on a lunch break" She smiles, 

"Oh how lovely" Her mum smiles, "Good luck son, she's terribly messy" She laughs,

"Be quiet mum" Chloe giggles, 

"How's Brooke any way love?" Her Mum smiles,

"So much better" Chloe smiles,

"Good, okay, I best let you two go" She smiles,

"Bye Mum" Chloe Smiles,

"C'ya Mrs James" I say, as Chloe grabs my hand and we carry on our journey.

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