Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 

Gary's POV

Later that day.

Now that I have completly finished Christmas shopping, with 5 hours to spare until Christmas day, I can relax until Chloe comes home and there is only one way to do that, music and wine for one. The thought of cracking open a bottle of wine has my mouth watering like an alcoholic. I take my red upstairs and close the door of the studio behind me, locking myself from the rest of the world for a little while. I place my wine on the top of my piano and sit on the piano stool, running my hand over some keys. I hear my phone ringing through the noise of the piano and slide it out of my pocket,

"Hello babe" I smile when I answer the phone to Chloe,

"Hello Gary" She replies, sounding stressed,

"You okay babe? You sound stressed" I ask, taking a sip of wine,

"Yeah i'm fine, just getting an earful from Sam" She says and before she finished I cut in,

"I will kick that mans arse" I state, 

"Gary, you will not, we will have to pick Brooke up tomorrow though"  She sighs,

"Okay, that's fine babe don't worry about it, now hurry up and get home so I can cuddle the hell out of you" I smirk,

"Mmm" Chloe mumbles, "That sounds like something I need, I'll be home in 5" She adds, 

"Okay, l love you".

About 10 minutes later I hear a car pull up on to the drive. I walk downstairs to greet Chloe and when she walks in the front door holding bags,

"What's that then?" I smirk, as Chloe puts the bags down and walks towards me,

"Nothing that you can see" She grins, putting her arms around my neck and kisses me with her cold lips,

"Ow" I pout, pushing my face in to the crook of her neck and softly kissing it,

"I need a drink Gary" Chloe laughs, 

"Wine?" I smirk,

"Yes please" She laughs, pushing me playfully in to the kitchen,

"So, how was your shopping trip?" I ask, pouring her 

"Apart from being completly stressful, I would say good" Chloe  smirks and we make our way in to the living room,

"Well, I got stopped a billion times" I laugh,

"That's life" Chloe mocks,

"Oh be quiet" I smirk, squeezing Chloe's leg. She puts her glass on the coffee table and climbs on to my lap,

"Mmm" I mumble as Chloe runs her hands under my t-shirt and tickles me her nails,

"Our first christmas together" She smiles sweetly, looking down in to my eyes,

"I know, the first of many" I smile, grabbing her hips and pulling her close in to my chest,

"I'm so glad that I met you Gary" Chloe whispers in to my ear,

"As am I" I smile running my hands softly up her back,

"You're lucky that i'm clumbsy" She grins against my neck,

"Yeah, so damn lucky" I mock, jabbing her in the ribs so she jumps up and falls back on to the sofa, playfully I jump on top of her and pin her down by the wrists,

"You know what?" I smirk,

"What?" She giggles,

"If people saw us, they'd hate how in love we were" I smile, 

"That might just be the sweetest thing you've ever said Gary" Chloe smiles, pulling her arms away from my grip and placing them on the side of my face, then pulling my face to hers and kissing me passionately.

"Because it's true, isn't it?" I whisper, 

"Yeah, it's a billion percent true Gary" She replies, making my heart feel warm.t

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