Chapter 3

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*So most of you guys seem to like this one, so i'll carry on, i'll be swapping from Gary to Chloe's point of view like I did on the other one, but for some chapters it will be the same persons as the chapter before, sorry if i'm confusing you, haha, so here I go, enjoooooy*

Chapter 3
Gary's POV

Chloe is all i've been thinking about since I bumped in to her yesterday, and the date, all I can say is wow, best date i've had since forever, i'm thinking to myself as I pull a grey top on and some skinny jeans. I don't know when's an acceptable time to text someone after a date, the last time I went on a serious date, it didn't end well, so I want this to be perfect. I run down the stairs and grab my jacket and keys to go and meet the lads for a studio session. I get in the car and turn on the ignition and drive off in to rush hour on a thrursday morning. I get to the studio at about 10 and the other guys, like usual are already here, 
"Gaz, i've seen some pictures of your little date last night" Rob teases as I walk through the door,
"Shut up Robbie" I blush, walking over to my piano, 
"So who is she" Rob asks, sitting on top of the piano, 
"A girl" I reply bluntly, 
"Just a girl? you haven't been on a date woth anyone for over 4 years Gary, I don't think she's just a girl" Rob states, putting his hand on my shoulder,
"He's right Gaz, you must see something in this girl" Mark calls, 
"I don't know anything yet, it was one date" I smile at the ground,
"You kissed her didn't you" Rob says excitedly, like we were back in the play ground in year 7,
"Maybe" I smile, 
"Get on mate, you deserve a relationship" Rob smiles, before leaving me and the piano alone. I mess around with some lyrics and some music for a while, until I hear my phone start to ring, I look at it and step outside of the studio,
"Hey Chloe, sorry i've been at the studio all day" I answer, leaning back against the wall, 
"Hey, that's okay, I just called to thank you again, I had the best date" She replies,
"Good, when are you free next?" I ask, smiling continuously, 
"Well i've got a work thing friday night, but i'm free all day saturday" She replies happily,
"Great, i'll think of somthing to do on saturday then, is 11 a good time?" I ask, still smiling,
"Yeah, I think I can get ready for 11, i've seen pictures of us on the internet, bit surreal seeing me with you, kind of a dream really" She says,
"Stop it, you're making me blush, the guys are staring at me through the door window" I laugh, 
"Oh, it was only a date, you must go on loads of them, they must be used to it by now" She laughs back,
"Actually, I havent been on a date for a while, but you don't want to hear about that" I sigh, "You must need to get back to work ai?" I ask,
"oh, er, yeah I best do" She sighs, 
"Okay, I can't wait to see you again" I smile to the ground,
"Same here, bye Gary" She finishes the call, I stand with the phone against my ear for a while, before putting it back in to my pocket. I walk back in to the studio and the guys are all sitting on top of my piano,
"Get off" I half laugh,
"Was it the mysterious lady?" Mark asks,
"Yeah, it was Chloe" I reply,
"Chloe ai? , so how old is she?" They ask,
"She's 28, and she's a lawyer" I reply, smiling,
"A Lawyer, good pull Mr B" Jason laughs,"
"She's also the most beautiful women i've ever seen" I grin,
"Wow, Barlow's in love boys" Robbie jokes,
"hmm" I drift in to my own little world, whilst around me the boys mock me, I can't help but think, I haven't felt this way about a women in a long time.

I get home and I throw my body on the sofa, flicking through the shit evening T.V channels, I stop it on the news and start watching about some war in Iraq, these wars seem to be always going on, I think to myself as I roll on to myside and close my eyes. I'm woken by the sound of a text, I slide my phone from my pocket and unlock it, blinding myself with the brightness of the screen, 
'From Chloe.
Gary, I know we've only had one date, but there's something very important you need to know about, if you don't wanna see me after, i'll understand, most blokes are scared away!'
The text reads, my heart sinks as I let my mond wonder to what it might be,
'Recipient, Chloe.
What is it?'  I reply, I lay waiting, still worried about what it might be, 'Ding' My phone sounds,
'From Chloe,
Gary, I have a 2 year old daughtershe's living with my Ex at the minute, but when I get a place, she'll live with me most of the time, her father is a Marine, so he'll be leaving soon, I just thought you should know'  wow.
'Recipient, Chloe, 
Hey, I love kids, don't worry, we'll talk on saturday, goodnight!x'

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