Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chloe's POV

I stroll home, day dreaming, minding my own business, when my phone buzzes, I look down and the message reads, 

'Recipient- Gary Barlow. 


Okay, thanks for sending me your address, I was worried you was going to stand me up haha, see you at 8 then.x'   

Wow this is so surreal, I cannot get over this, I think to myself as I get to my building, 

"Hello Miss James" Smiles the door man, 

"Good evening Sir" I smile back, I get to the lift and press the button to the 5th floor. I've been living in a Hotel for a few months now, since my crazy ex kicked me out, I prefer it though, it's a nice place and i've been using my savings to pay for it until I find my own flat. I get to my room and swipe the card to open the door, when I get inside I kick my heels in to the corner and throw my bag onto the side. I flick the kettle on as I start undoing my blouse, I've got just over 2 hours to get ready to go on a date with a man I have been slightly obsessed with since I was young, even when they'd split I was crazy about them, I though to myself as I turned the shower taps on.

My room phone started to ring just as I finish putting my mascara on, I run to answer it, 

"Hello" I answer, 

"Miss James, i've got Gary Barlow here to see you" The reception lady says, 

"Yeah, let him in" I smile to myself,

"Okay" She replies. I quickly fix my hair and make sure my navy blue dress is looking okay, before opening the door, on the other side stands a very handsome Gary Barlow, wearing a tight pair of chino trousers, a tight white shirt and a black jacket,

"Hey, come in"  I smile, 

"Thank you" He replies, "You look beautiful" He adds, kissing me on each cheek, 

"Thank you" I blush, "Just let me put some heels on, and i'll be ready, take a seat if you like" I smile, showing Gary to the living room area, I rush in to the bedroom and grab my black 6 inch heels. When I come back in to the living room Gary is looking at the pictures on the coffee table,

"Shall we go?" I smile, 

"Yeah, lets do this" He winks. 

When we get outside he has a black Mercedes waiting for us, he opens the door like a gentleman before getting in beside me, 

"So.." I sigh nervously,

"Just to let you know, i'm not very good at the whole dating thing" Gary smiles, as the car pulls away, 

"That's a relief, me either" I giggle. We have a nice normal conversation until we pull up to a restaurant in the centre of London. We get out and I take Gary's arm, surrounding the restaurant is 50 maybe 60 people trying to get pictures with Gary, he politely pushes past them and we finally get in to the restaurant, 

"I'm so sorry about that" He sighs,

"Don't be silly, it's fine" I smile. A lady shows us to our table, which is candle lit, and in the centre of the room there is a band playing romantic music. 

"This is beautiful" I smile, as Gary pushes my chair in and sits opposite me,

"It is" He replies.

"So, Chloe, how long have you been a Lawyer?" Gary asks, taking a sip of wine,

"About 4 years now" I smile,

"Cool, how long were you in University then?" He smiles,

"I was in Uni for 6 years" I half laugh, 

"Wow, a long time then, so i'm guessing that makes you 28?" He winks,

"I could have told you that" I giggle, 

"Well I didn't want to ask" He smirks, 

"I wont take offence, i'm a normal girl, open as a book" I do a cheesy smile,

"Okay then, they guy in the pictures at your hotel, who is he?" Gary asks, 

"Oh, I was wondering when that would come up" I laugh, "Erm, he's my ex, we've been seperated for 3 and a half months, but the pictures are still around because.." I pause for a second,

"You don't have to tell me" Gary half smiles, putting his hand on mine, "I was just making sure I wasn't going to get the shit kicked out of me by some pissed of boyfriend tomorrow" He winks, making me laugh,

"He's not that strong anyway, you could have him" I smirk,  

"That's always good to know" He smiles, "Can I have the bill please" Gary asks a waiter,

"Sure" He replies,

"Fancy a walk?" He asks,

"Yeah okay" I smile. Gary hands the man some money and he leads me a secret way to get back on to the high street, 

"You know your way around" I laugh, 

"Again, it wasn't me, it was my stalker" He smiles,

"Oh, he must be quite good then" I grin,

"Yeah, he's okay" He replies/. We're walking through a quiet street, Gary with his hands in his pocket and me with my arm around his, 

"Are you cold?" He asks,

"No, i'm fine" I lie, 

"Liar" He giggles, "Here" He takes his jacket off and wraps it aroun my shoulders,

"Thanks" I smile at the ground. We get back to my hotel and he walks me all the way to my door,

"Thank you for a great night" He smiles at me,

"I've had an amazing night too, best date i've been on I think" I smile, he takes my hands and steps closer to me,

"Will there be more dates then?" He asks, 

"I hope so" I smile, looking in to his beautiful green eyes, 

"Good" we stand quiet for a second, "Can I kiss you?" He asks, 

"I s'pose" I grin, he presses his lips gently against mine, and kisses me gently until he pulls away a few seconds after, I open my eyes, 

"I'll text you" He smiles,

"Okay" I grin, "

"Good night Chlo " He winks. I watch as he walks down the corridor, wow.

Lucky- Gary Barlow Fan Fiction.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang