Chapter 1

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*This is my new fic, i'm still doing the Rosie and Gary one for the minute, but I thought i'd do a fresh new one, please tell me if you like it, I won't be dis-heartened if you don't, so be honest. Enjoy.*

Chapter 1-
Chloe's POV-

Great, i'm late for work once again, I thought to myself as I rush through the busy high street in London. I'm running in to people, nearly tripping over a multiple of times, thanks to my stupid car that decided to not work and my alarm clock that decided not to go off this morning and now i'm speed walking to work, half an hour late. My phone starts to ring, so I stick my hand in my very cluttered hand bag and try to get it out, I try doing it with out looking but there's no hope, I look down and see the light of my phone, I take it out but before I get the chance to accept the call, i've tripped over.
"Oh shit, are you okay?" A voice from in front of me says, I push myself up and look at the blue suede shoes in front of me,
"I'm fine" I snap, I look up but the sun is shining on the mans face, I stand up and my jaw drops. In front of me stands the Gary Barlow, I must be staring at him for a long time,
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again, I snap out of my stare, 
"Yeah erm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, it's been one of those mornings" I sigh, I go to pick up my phone from the ground but Gary beats me to it, 
"Here, well I hope your day gets better.." He pauses, waiting for me to tell him my name,
"Oh, i'm Chloe, Chloe James" I smile, 
"Chloe, it was nice to meet you" He smiles, his famous eyebrow rises, "Maybe the next time we meet it will be on better terms" He winks, handing me my phone and walking on. I get to my office and my boss is standing at my door with a face that looks like he's been slapped with a fish, 
"Mike, i'm so sorry" I apologize, stopping in front of him, 
"Chloe, it's wednesday and it's the second time you've been late this week" He explains, as I lead him in to my office,
"It's been stuff at home, since Sam and I broke up, things haven't been going well, I promise I wont be late again Mike" I sighed, 
"Please don't be Chlo" He half smiles as he leaves me alone in my office. I sit down and turn on my laptop, I push it back on to my desk and lean back in to my chair, I cannot believe that I just met Gary Barlow, I guess this morning could have gone worse, I smile to myself, when i'm distracted by a knock at the door. I sit up straight, 
"Come in" I call, in walks my assistant with a stack of files, 
"Morning Chloe, there's only one client this week, it's a divorce case" He smiles,
"Okay, thanks Josh" I reply, running my hands through my hair, 
"I'll get you a coffee" He winks, "You look like you need one" He laughs, 
"What would I do with out you" I smile. I open the files and luckily to me it looks like an angry wife that wants everything, being a Lawyer is stressful and cases like these are a walk in the park.
My office phone starts to ring and it's Josh, 
"Hello" I answer,
"There's a man here for you" He replies, "A very handsome man at that" He whispers,
"Okay Josh, is it the client?" I ask, 
"I don't think so" He laughs slightly, "I will send him in" He adds,
"Thanks" I put the phone back down and continue typing away at my laptop, nearly forgetting that there was a man on his way, until there is a knock at the door, 
"Come in" I call, still focused on the laptop, 
"Erm hi" The familiar voice says, I look up and it's Gary Barlow, 
"Hi..." I'm star struck, what is he doing here, 
"I've been thinking about our little encounter all day" He smiles, standing awkwardly at the door,
"Really?" I smile, "Sit down" I add, blushing as I see he Josh's face appear at the door window, 
"Yeah really, this is going to sound really cheesy, but erm, you're really beautiful and I would love to take you to dinner" He looks down and the floor, I sit astonished, 
"One question first" I half smile, "How did you find me?" I ask, 
"Well, I remembered your name and what you looked like, so I got somone I know to search you  up and find where you work" He blushes slightly, "and when I found our you were a Lawyer, I was taken back, you're beautiful and intelligent" he smriks, 
"Thank you, but I think you need a new stalker, because it took them until lunch time to find me" I giggle, 
"Maybe you're right" He laughs, "Are you free tonight?" He asks, playing with this thumbs,
"I'm sure I can make time" I smile, 
"Great, here, i'll write my number on to this peice of paper, text me your address and i'll pick you up at 8" He replies, 
"Okay.." I smile, "Let me walk you out to reception" I add, he opens the door for me and we walk through the corridors, with people staring at us thw whole way,
"See you tonight" He says loudly, "Thought i'd say it loud, make people start talking" He whispers, 
"Thanks for that" I smile, "See ya Gary" I stand smiling as he walks out of our building. I turn around and Josh and a few others are smirking at me, 
"What was that then Chloe?" Josh asks, grinning, 
"A chat Joshua" I wink, walking back in to my office,
"Yeah, the grin on your face says otherwise" He smiles closing the office door and sitting on my desk, "Now speak" He giggles,
"Well, I met him this morning, and he found me and asked me on a date" I squeal in exitement, 
"Wow, I wish I was lucky enough to meet Gary Barlow, the guys I date are all boring" He laughs, 
"Tell me i'm dreaming Josh" I laugh,"
"I wish you were" He smiles, "I'll leave you to day dream" He adds, winking at me before leaving me alone once more.

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