Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Chloe's POV

A few days later

"Okay Gary, i'm going now" I call as I rush in to the living room to see the handsome man laying on the sofa, wearing only his grey tracksuit bottoms, 

"Enjoy yourself" He smiles, sitting up and pulling me on to his knee,

"Are you sure you're going to be okay with Brooke?" I ask nervously, gently running my thumb over his stitches, .

"Fine" He pulls back and winces slightly, "I can look after a 3 year old" Gary smirks,

"I'm sorry, i've only ever trusted Sam with her" I say, automaticially regretting mentioning him,

"Go" Gary smiles, "I love you" He grins, pressing his soft lips on to mine,

"Okay bye, I love you too" I smirk, rushing in my heels out the front door and in to a good old taxi, en route to see the girls.

When I arrive at the pub, Sarah, Sophie and Abby are all outside waiting for me,

"Hello Ladies" I smirk, 

"Chloe" They smile as I stride up to them happily,

"How have you been babe?" Sarah asks me as we walk in to the pub, 

"Really good, Gary did have an accident the other day and had to have stitches" I tell them,

"Oh my god, what happened?" Abby asks,

"Oh, just a fall" I blush, "Can I get 4 vodka shots please" I change the conversation, leaning at the bar,

"Oh, speak Chlo" Sarah smirks,

"Well, we were just play fighting on the floor and he just fell and smacked his head on the coffee table" I grin, as the thoughts run through my mind,

"That's a lie, I can tell when my best friend is lying" Sarah smiles, squeezing my hand,

"Well it might have been something more than playing" I grin, picking up a shot and downing it,

"So sex" Abby laughs, 

"Yep" I smirk, 

"Your relationship sounds so fun" Abby laughs as the other girls rush over to the dance floor as some Olly Murs starts to play,

"It is great, and Brooke literally loves the man" I smile, 

"Awh bless, have you spoke about the future?" Abby asks,

"What?" I half laugh, "What do you mean the future?" I laugh, taking another shot,

"Kids, marriage?" Abby grins, 

"Well sort of, maybe, we did a bit, but we've only been together for 5ish months" I laugh,

"Well just think about it, he's a good guy" She smiles. 

I stumble in the front door and her old in the laughter, which i'm laughing for no apparent reason. 

"You look absolutely smashed" Gary grins as he comes around the corner and leans seductively against the door frame,

"I am" I mumble and I kick my 6 inch heels off and throw my clutch bag on the floor,

"Oh shit come here" Gary laughs as I nearly fall over. He grabs me by the waist and holds me against his body. I stare in to his blurry green eyes as the world spins around me,

"I fucking love you" I grin and I struggle to keep my eyes open,

"Okay, lets get you to bed young lady" Gary laughs, picking me up and carrying me to our bed,

"Let's have sex" I slur, running my hand down his perfect jaw,

"I think you just need to go to sleep" Gary laughs, "I can't wait to tease you tomorrow" Gary grins, dropping me gently on to the bed and pulling my tights off, 

"You are very very handsome Gary Barlow" I giggle, running my hands down his very bare chest and pushing my fingers in to his jogging bottoms, 

"And you are incredibly drunk gorgeous" Gary smiles at me, pulling my dress over my shoulders and swapping it for one of his baggy t-shirts. 

"Will you marry me one day?" I ask. I watch his face as his smile grows, 

"Sure" He smirks, bending down and kissing me on the forehead, "One day Chloe, one day very soon". 

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