Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Gary's POV

I wake up by the voice of Brooke beside me and the tug of my arm,

"Hey baby" I whisper sliding out of the bed and picking up Brooke before she woke up Chloe. I take her down the stairs and Brooke and myself collapse on the sofa together. 

"Juice please Gawy" She giggles, pushing me off the sofa,

"Okay cheeky little girl" I smile, tickling her belly. I stand up and walk in to the kitchen, making Brooke some juice in her juice bottle and pouring her some cereal and some milk before walking back in to the living room and placing the juice and bowl of cereal on the dining room table. 

"Come on then Brooke, breakfast is ready" I smile, lifting the three year old in to tha air and placing her on the chair in front of the table,

"Fanks" Brooke smiles. I turn around and Chloe is standing against the wall smiling at me,

"Morning PIss head" I grin, walking over to her and pulling her towards me,

"How did I get home?" She laughs, resting her head on my chest,

"I don't know, you stumbled through the door at about half 1" I smirk, kissing her on the top of the head, "Do you not remember?" I ask,

"Nope, I didn't say anything stupid did I?" She asks,"

"Nothing stupid" I smile, looking down in to hre beautiful eyes,

"Well that I don't believe" She laughs,

"Well you should believe it, you just said some adorable things" I smile, gently kissing her,

"Like what?" She smirks,

"That's a secret" I smirk, "Coffee?" I ask, pushing her against the wall and pressing my lips against hers,

"Mhm" She mumbles under her breath, 

"Okay then" I walk in to the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine, I lean against the kitchen sides and stare as Chloe messes around with Brooke. My thoughts are taken over by the drunk conversation Chloe and I had last night. What if the thing she said was true and she wants to marry me? Or was it just the alcohol speaking?

"Stop staring at me" Chloe laughs, taking me out of the trance I was stuck in. I hand her a mug of coffee,

"So you honestly don't remember anything from last night then?" I ask, leaning back against the kitchen side,

"No, the last thing I remember was dancing with Abby, why?" She replies,

"No reason" I fake smile, surely she would remember if she really wanted to marry me,

"And having a conversation with Abby about mine and your future" She adds,

"What kind of stuff?" I ask,

"Marriage, Kids, stuff like that" She smiles, before turning her attention to Brooke who has spilled her cereal over the table.

That's it, i've decided. This women is going to become my wife, wheather that's tomorrow or in 10 years, I will marry her. 

"What did you say to Abby?" I ask, as I help clean the spilled milk up,

"I said I had thought about it but I was too busy thinking about us now" Chloe smiles. 

There was a knock at the front door just as I had sat down at my piano to start playing whilst Chloe and Brooke had gone to meet her friends for a day out,

"Oh, hey Robbie" I smile, opening the front door and letting him in,

"Got your text mate, what's up?" He asks, following me in to my studio,

"I've got a question mate" I reply, sitting down at my piano again,

"Go for it" Rob smiles,

"So Chloe and I have been together for nearly half a year, right?" I smile, 

"Right?" Rob replies, confused,

"Is that too early to marry someone?" I grin at the ground,

"Wow, I did not expect that" Rob laughs, tapping me on the shoulder,

"Neither did I" I sigh, looking down at the ground, "But i'm in love with her Robbie" I smile. Rob puts his hand under my chin and lifts it so i'm looking at him,

"Marry her Gaz" He smirks,

"Really?" I ask,

"Yeah, I can tell you now that you'll never find someone who you feel this way about, for the last four years you have been drowning in emotions which were bad, i've never seen my brother this happy, so marry the girl" He laughs,

"Okay, I need a ring" I smile excitedly, "Come with me and help me" I demand, pulling Rob to his feet and sliding my blue sued shoes on, before rushing to my car. I'm gonna marry her. 

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