Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 

Chloe's POV 

4 Weeks Later

"Mummy" I hear Brooke call as she climbs on to the bed and under the covers with me and Gary.

"Morning birthday girl" I smile, cuddling and kissing Brooke,

"Happy birthday gorgeous" Gary moans from under the duvet, pulling Brooke over to his sicde of the bed and tickling her until she's laughing ecstatically, 

"No Gawy, No Gawy" She laughs, pushing Gary's face away,

"Okay, i'll stop" Gary smirks, as he throws the toddler half way in to the air and catches her again,

"Silly Gary, ai?" I laugh, blowing a kiss at my toddler,

"Jealous?" Gary grins, 

"No" I laugh, running my hand playful down Gary's leg,

"Liar" He smirks, lifting Brooke in to the air again and sitting up in the bed,

"Shall I go and get your presents?" Gary teases,

"Yeah" Brooke nods excitedly, 

"Wait here with Mummy then" He smiles, lifting the toddler on to my lap and standing up off of the bed, only in his boxers and running downstairs, a few minutes later of Brooke trying to escape downstairs, Gary walks in the bedroom with his arms full of gifts. He places them on the bed and before Gary has a chance to put them all down, Brooke is ripping at the wrapping paper.

"I've never seen a three year old to rip paper like that" Gary smirks, climbing back under the covers and pulling me in between his legs. He wraps his strong arms around my chest as Brooke opens her presents, revealing a baby doll. I watch as her face lightens up and a massive smile creeps upon the three year olds face,

"Dolly" Brooke squeals at the top of her little lungs, 

"Here, let me open it" Gary smiles, taking the toy off of Brooke and ripping the packaging off of it, before handing it back to the toddler, watching his every move,

"Fank oo" Brooke smiles, pulling the doll from Gary's hand and sliding off the bed, leaving the rest of the pile of presents in the middle of the bed,

"Easy, just like her mother" Gary smirks, pressing his lips softly on to my neck,

"I hope you're not saying that i'm easy Barlow" I smirk, running my hand over his vainy hand,

"Never" Gary smiles sarcastically as he continues to lightly kiss my neck, 

"I don't know why I take your shit Gary" I giggle, escaping from his tight grip and sitting opposite him,  pulling his t-shirt that i'm wearing down past my bum, 

"My clothes look damn good on you" Gary smiles, running his teeth over his bottom lip,

"You prefer what's underneath though, don't you?" I laugh, 

"Of Course I do, that body" Gary smirks, leaning forward and grabbing the hem of the t-shirt, pulling me so i'm on my knees in front of him,

"Well too bad it's off limits" I smirk, pecking his lips, 

"Well that's unfair" Gary pouts like a child who has had a toy taken away from them,

"You'll have to wait until Brooke goes to Sam's later" I smirk, climbing on to his lap, teasing him by running my finger over his chest,

"Meany" Gary grins. 

2 hours and 30 two and three year olds later we get back home. 

"I think the party tired her out" Gary smiles, pulling up to the drive,

"It tired me out" I laugh, dropping my head back on to the head rest, 

"Mumma, want Daddy" Brooke moans from the back of the car, suprisingly when she says that a car, which is probably Sam, pulls up behind us,

"I think Daddy's here now" I reply, getting out of the car and onto the dark, cold driveway,

"Alright Chloe" Sam says, walking towards me,

"Hiya, how are you?" I ask, opening the car door and releasing Brooke in to the wild,

"Grand, how's my birthday girl?" Sam smiles, picking up Brooke and cuddling her,

"DADDY" Brooke squeals in to his ear, putting her little arms around his neck. I feel Gary's hand on my waist and his long fingers pressed against some of my skin he has pushed my t-shirt away from,

"Alright mate" Gary nods, 

"Gary" Sam smiles, "Say goodbye to Mummy and Gary, then we should be off, we're going to see nanny and grandad" Sam smiles to Brooke,

"Bye Mummy, By Gawy" Brooke giggle, leaning to kiss us both,

"Be good for Daddy" I smile, kissing her on the lips,

"Bye darling" Gary says, kissing her on the top of the head,

"Cya" Sam winks. Gary and I walk back up the house and I let out a big sigh of relief when the front door closes,

"How about I light the fire and you get some wine" Gary smirks, putting his hands on my waist and keeping me pressed against the door,

"Sounds perfect" I smile, running my hand up his chest and playing with his ear,

"Get on it then" Gary grins, releasing me from his grip. As I walk past him I feel him squeeze my bum, the cheeky sod. In the kitchen I get out two wine glasses and pull out a bottle of red from the rack. A few minutes later I walk in to the living room to see Gary placing wood on to the rawing fire,

"It's beautiful" I smile, placing the glasses and the wine on to the coffee table and kneeling down behind Gary in front of the fire,

"As are you" Gary smiles, dropping his head back on to my shoulder and smiling up at me,

"You're too damn cute Gary" I smile, putting my hands on either sides of his perfect jaw and pressing my freshly lipsticked lips on to his. He sat up and turned around, pouring us both a glass of wine, before downing his and begins to kiss me again,

"Drunk sex sounds good tonight" He grins against my lips.

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