32 (M)

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The smut is written by Jungkookie_4_Life !!!

Hope you guys love it!!

Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung spends the day worrying while I try to take his mind off things. We bake cookies, chocolate chip to be precise, and share them with the rest of the kids. I notice Baekhyun sitting alone in the corner, nibbling on a cookie which he normally swallows in one bite. I carefully make my way to him and crouch down to his level.

"Hey buddy", I ruffle his hair, "You look upset. What's wrong?"

He averts his gaze away from my face, dropping the cookie into his lap. "A family is coming over today to maybe adopt me but I'm scared they won't like me"

I let myself drop down on the floor and smile at him," You're an adorable sweet boy! They'll love you". Baekhyun doesn't reply. I frown," Are you sure that's the only reason why you're upset?"

The 7-year old shakes his head, "No". Tears start to form and I gently pat him on the shoulder. "I'm going to miss everyone".

"I'm sure they'll let you visit us here", I smile, trying to cheer him up. It seems to work as his tiny arms cover my chest, "Thanks Kookie! I will visit lots!"


Once night falls I try to distract Jin, telling him the toilet in the bathroom is clogged. He seems to suspect something but lets it slide. I walk to my room, hearing his footsteps go to the bathroom. I hear the door close and peak outside from my bedroom. As I tip toe through the hallway his voice makes me almost jump out of my skin.

"Where do you think you're going?", he booms, lifting an eyebrow.

"Grabbing a midnight snack", I lie, noticing I'm close to the staircase.

He leans against the doorframe of the bathroom, "I want you back in bed in 10 minutes"

I smile back but grumble on the inside. I walk downstairs, reach the kitchen, grab an apple and run back upstairs where Jin is waiting for me. He eyes me as I sulk back to my room and slam the door shut.

How am I going to sneak out each night to sleep with Tae if Jin is going to keep being so stubborn?

After lying on my bed for two hours I finally notice Yoongi isn't in the room with me. He's probably with Jimin, the cheeky bastard. I also notice that Jin isn't patrolling anymore. Maybe he's tired and went to sleep. I creak the door open and glance around the hallway. Nobody to be seen hmm. I tip toe to Taehyung's room, getting a dark feeling once I see the door's open. I fasten my pace. My breath gets stuck in my throat once I see the scene in front of me. Jin is spooning Tae, who doesn't seem bothered with it at all. I fume on the inside.

What the actual fuck!?

I grab Tae by the wrist and drag him out of bed, without saying a word, his screams not fazing me. Jin also wakes up but I think my look is murderous so he backs away. As soon as we get to my room I bring him inside and pin him up against the wall. He looks frightened.

Taehyung's P.O.V

"What do you think you're doing Tae!", Jungkook says in a stern voice," You are mine and only mine, got that!" His voice sends shivers down my spine but I don't show any emotion. I'm so confused. One minute I'm peacefully sleeping in his arms and the other minute he's mad and drags me to his room.

"I-I don't understand", I stutter. What the heck happened?

"Ask your sleeping buddy that!", he inches closer, "What, did you think I wouldn't notice you and Jin spooning comfortably?"

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