You thought you got only one update today???
You were heavily mistaken!
Fear my mortals for I have written so much today that it reached 2000 words!
Enjoy ;)


Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung has been in my head the past few days. I haven't seen him in a week and it's slowly eating me away for some reason. I miss his warm eyes and fluffy purple hair.

Argh get yourself together Jungkook!

I bump my fist against my head to release the thoughts but it doesn't help. The only thing I get out of it is a head ache. Flopping onto the bed, I sigh loudly, hoping my body would just fall asleep. Although it's only three pm I feel like sleeping. I have been selling a stack of cocaine last night, almost getting caught by police men. My feet still hurt from running that hard, blisters already formed by the long run. I stare blankly at the white ceiling, counting the cracks and the spider webs.


A familiar voice awakens me. I hadn't realised I had fallen asleep. Loud footsteps are heard on the stairs and before I know it they pitter patter into my room and Taehyung stands at my door. He looks out of breath from running. His eyes widen as he sees me groggily standing up, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were asleep" He ushers me back down and before I can react he has tucked me into bed again.

"I know you're older than me but I don't need parenting", I groan but also sigh in content when I close my eyes.

I hear him stepping back but I grab his wrist, opening one eye I say, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Y-you need sleep. I can come back some other day", he points at the door. Before he can react I pull him down and his head lands on my chest.

"You did not run fifteen minutes to see me and then leave after 5 minutes", I point out, "I haven't seen your face in a week so stay and tell me about your day or something"

Taehyung doesn't move, I guess he's too shocked by the close contact so I pull him up by his shoulders until he's lying beside me. I throw my blanket over his body. He finally relaxes and I feel him snuggling against my side.

"I just missed you. Jimin has been acting strange ever since he had to replace me in the shop a week ago, after I told him I made a new friend", he mumbles, looking up at me with his brown eyes. We are lying very closely.

"How did he react?"

"He smiled but I think it was fake. He's never fake to me. He's my best friend for a reason", Taehyung's voice was a whisper at the end.

"Maybe he's just jealous?", I offer. Taehyung looks confused.


"Well maybe he's scared you'll replace him with your new found friend", I roll on my side so we're facing each other. He looks deep in thought by my comment. I realise he's shivering.

I swear this kid is cold all the time.

I snake my arms arounnd his waist and pull him closer, like that was even possible, and tangle my legs with him. His cheeks heat up immediately and his eyes grow a few sizes bigger.

"You were cold", I simply say.

"O-okay", he nods, pushing his head against my chest for warmth. His fluffy hair is right beneath my face and I don't have the willpower to stop myself. I start to play with his hair, stroking the purple locks. I can say that I'm not surprised by the softness.

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