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Jungkook's P.O.V

The night is weirdly calm. My body is shaking due the cold and my breath makes little white figures that escape into the dark. There's no noise on the streets, not even cats fighting or cars driving through. Everything is utterly quiet. My steps echo through the ally, the bags in my pocket weighing me down. Just a couple more meters until I reach the location where I need to drop them off. What sick fuck needs drugs at 4 am in the morning though?

The sound of a trigger being pulled stops me in my tracks.

"Stop where you are kid", a manly voice calls out behind me. I pull my hood over my eyes and face the guy. I know he's a cop in disguise, I've seen him walk around the neighbourhood a lot. He's in his forties, I assume, and is pointing his gun at my sixteen year old ass.

What a prick.

"I've been looking for this so called gang which sells drugs around here. You'll tell me where the rest of your buddies are, won't you kiddo?", he smirks.

As if.

The guys stands there way too confident but I notice a little shake in his hands when I don't answer.

Awe, can't the big bad cop shoot a teenager?

I jump towards his neck as he fires his first bullet. It only scrapes my leg because my attack was a surprise to him. He then drops the gun to the ground as I'm able to close my hands around his neck. I haven't trained so long to get these muscles for nothing. I know he's probably stronger than me, hell I'm only sixteen, but it buys me a little time to swipe the gun off the ground, as he tries to regain his breathing, and make a run for it. I throw the gun as far away as possible when I enter the park and it falls down the pond, scaring some ducks. The bags in my pocket become heavier and heavier, I know that I'll have to turn back to make my delivery on time. I'd rather get caught by police than die by the hand of Chanyeol.


It's been three days since I've seen Taehyung, three days of selling drugs. I've been trying to keep my distance from him when I have to meet Chanyeol, in fear of being too late again. But today is a free day. And a free day calls for candy.

I walk the way to the shop, thinking about the things I can say to him, the excuses I need for these past days.

Why am I so nervous? I could lie so easily to him, he's so naive.

As I hear the familiar ring, my eyes immediately look over to the counter. My heart softens a bit at the sight of Taehyung handing a lollypop to a toddler. I walk over to him when the small kid runs to his mom and she smiles at the boy behind the counter. My boy. Not yet, but I'll make it so he's mine.

"Tae", I call out, seeing him look up and smile brightly at me.

"Kookie!", he answers, hugging me tight," I missed you! Where were you these three days? ... Is it bad I counted them?" He looks away, embarrassed by what he just said. A smirk makes its way onto my face.

"I counted them too babe", my voice is low and my arms snakes around his waist, pulling him against me ," And I really missed doing this"

His eyes widen and his lips are already parted, accompanied by a small blush from the nickname. As soon as my lips touch his and his small hands invade my hair all my worries melt.

"M-me too", he stutters, flustered when we pull away. I could stare at this boy forever. Since when did I become so cheesy?

"Son?", a voice suddenly asks. Taehyung peeps curiously from behind my chest. "Mom? Dad!", he smiles and runs up to them.


I groan inwardly.

"Who's this?", I hear his mom ask. I turn around to face them, not ready to meet his parents. Taehyung grabs my hand and walks me over to them. "This is my friend, Jungkook"

"Friend?", his mom arches an eyebrow. There's a high probability that she saw us kissing. I look over to his dad and my heart stops for a second. His face, the way he's built, and that smirk on his face when he looks between us. It's the cop from three days ago. I quickly lower my gaze to the floor, in fear of him recognizing me. That's my luck. A cop who wants me locked up is my lover's dad.

"So that's what friends do, eh", his dad says, raising an eyebrow as well, and I hear Taehyung whining:"Daaaad"

"I'll leave it alone", he chuckles. I feel him staring at me, and my feet are ready to dart out of the room.

"Could it be that I know you from somewhere?", he asks and I gulp noticeably.

"I- I don't think so sir", I answer, still not looking him in the eye. Is he on patrol right now?

"Come love, I think we're making this more awkward than ever for both of them", his mother says and pulls the dad away.

"We just came to inform you that we'll be leaving for Belgium in two hours. I've stocked the freezer with lots of food and I've stuck our address and number on the fridge in case of emergency", his mom adds, kissing Taehyung on the cheeks," Now be good and we'll see you in two weeks, okay dear?"

"Yes mom, I'm 18, I can take care of myself", he huffs, crossing his arms like a kid. I smile at the sight.

"We know you are", the both say in unison.

"See you in two weeks son", his dad, the cop who shot my leg, waves and they walk out.

A silence fills the room.

"So you're home alone eh?", I look over at him suggestively, "You know what that means?"

His face lights up and he sticks his arms in air," Slumber parties!"

I said I was going to upload and I did it! Go me for sticking to a promise! 

Bad Boys Like Good Boys ✓ tkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon