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Jungkook's P.O.V

I've been staring at this wall for hours, still feeling the blood on my hands. I scrubbed and washed them multiple times until they started to bleed. I buried a dead body. The bullet still deep in the guy's brain. My body begins to tremble at the thought.

"Kookie!", my staring gets interrupted by a small boy coming into view.

"What is it Baekhyun?", I sigh, being placed back into the real world. The world where I actually buried a heroine addict.

"Jin hyung told me I could get candy but only if one of the older hyungs get it for me", he sticks his little hand in his pocket and pulls out some money.

"And why would I do that? Can't Yoongi do it or something? I'm not in the mood", I get up from my bed and walk out the door. I hear soft footsteps following me, a small hand grabs mine.

"Please Kookie. Yoongi isn't here and you're the only older person here except for Jin", he sticks out his bottom lip. My heart softens a bit at the sight.

"Alright", I ruffle the 8-year old's fluffy brown hair and accept the money. "I'll be back in a bit"

He jumps up and down excited and hugs me, his face pushed against my stomach. "Thanks Kookie!"

I sigh and push him slightly off me. When I step out the front door I realize there are two candy shops. One in this town and one in the next town 15 minutes away from here. Taehyung works there. My mind says no but my feet walk past the first candy shop. I sigh, already knowing which candy shop I'll be visiting.

"That stupid shop better be open", I mutter. I start running from boredom. I have an excellent condition and I better keep it that way before a bullet gets planted in my brain. After ten minutes, the pink shop with bright blue letters comes in view. The open sign is displayed next to the door.

When I push the door open, a bell rings to signalize a customer has entered. I immediately notice that Taehyung isn't sitting at his counter. Some giggling draws my attention and I walk a few aisles further to see him and a boy with soft pink hair, eating a pack of candy. They are laughing and talking, not noticing the stranger looking at them. I walk away quietly. I quickly search for Baekhyun's favourite candy and pull out a box. Taehyung still isn't back at his counter so I push on the little bell next to cash register. The giggling stops and footsteps run in my direction.

I ignore him until he finally appears in front of me, his cheeks flushed pink and his mouth hanging open.
"I want to pay", I slide the candy in his direction. He looks flustered but does his job.

"That'll be-"

"I know how much it costs", I throw the money on the counter and he looks taken aback.

"O-okay", he accepts the bills and gives me the box of candy. Suddenly the pink haired boy appears, his face full of sugar.

"Taetae, what's taking so long?", he pouts.

"Jimin... Did you eat the whole packet without me?", Taehyung's eyes widen and fill with horror.

Jimin smiles sheepishly,"I might have" He runs back to aisle and Taehyung's mouth falls open.

"My candy!", he whines and follows the way Jimin went. I see Jimin surprising Taehyung from another aisle and closing his arms around his chest.

My chest tightens along with my fists. I don't know why but my vision goes red. I turn away and leave the shop, getting my breathing at a normal pace again.

What has gotten into me!?

The way home takes longer than the way there. I take a few wrong turns and almost get hit by a car. My heart is beating in my ears. Why?

As soon as the foster home gets into view, I sigh in relief. But it isn't for long.


His voice stops me in my tracks. I wait until he catches up with me.

"Why do you keep following me?", I snap tiredly.

"Because you keep letting things behind", smiling, he hands me the box of candy.

"I forgot it?", I groan frustrated. I have never forgotten anything? How did this happen?

He nods and I notice his ragged breathing. He ran to catch up to me.


Baekhyun comes running to me from the house, his arms thrown in the air. He hugs me tightly and before I can do anything he grasps the box and runs away.

"Thank you!!", he yells, almost jumping through the door.

"You got it for him?", Taehyung sounds confused.

"I don't like sweets that much", I shrug, forgetting what I was angry about earlier.

The purple haired boy shrieks,"What?"

"You heard me", I walk away from him to the house but he joins my side.

"You can't impossible dislike candy", he flails his arms around.

"Oh I can. Sweet things are not my thing", I sing song.

"So you dislike me too", he states.

I stop in my tracks.


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