Taehyung's P.O.V

I never had much courage. I hate yelling and fighting. I hate pushing people. But I did all three when I met Jungkook for the fifth time. I only wanted to help by bringing him the candy he forgot, which were an excellent choice, I love gummy bears, but I hadn't thought about the fact I had followed him again. He hates being followed it seems, and it's all I have done these past days. Suddenly he had started to say mean things, then I was crying, somehow we ended up on the floor and with me being, again, pushed against the wall. I get intimidated easily and Jungkook is the human form of the word dominant. His face is mostly a void of emotion and his body language makes me whimper. But I still want to be friends with him, no matter what.

We climb the stairs together, an awkward silence engulfing us as we reach his room. I slide on his bed, my feet dangling from the sides due my shortness.

"So", I start when he places himself on the bed opposite to the one I'm sitting on.

"So what?", he questions.

"Tell me about yourself! Friends know a lot about each other so let's talk", I smile brightly at him. Most people smile back, because I have heard my smile is contagious. But not to Jungkook.

"About what?", he shrugs.

"What's your favourite colour?", I kick my feet together.

He lets out a breathless laugh, "What an original first question"

I frown, "Just answer the question you fudge cake" He raises an eyebrow at my swear word.

"I don't like swearing", I explain.

"So you just called me a fudge cake as alternative?", he chuckles making me huff.

"Don't laugh. Now answer the question please", I cross my arms as he leans backwards on his arms.

"Probably black", he says in thought.

"That's not even a colour"

"If I can see, name and wear it, then it's a colour. Now you answer"

"Baby blue!", I smile excitedly, "I love light colours"

"Doesn't surprise me, looking at your outfit", he checks me out from head to toe. I don't know why but I have the feeling he isn't looking at my clothes, rather wondering what's underneath. His eyes stop at my feet.

"You can't even reach the ground", he points out," I hadn't noticed you were that short. How old are you?"

"I'm not that short!", I pout," And I'm 18. You?"


"So I'm your hyung!", I exclaim proudly.

"If we take your way of behaving in account, then I'm the hyung", he says proudly. He stands up and ruffles my hair. I feel the bed dip as he sits beside me. I shriek and try to flatten my now fluffy hair.

"What's your favourite animal?", he asks.

"Normally it's dogs, I love dogs they're so cute. I've always wanted one", my voice always goes higher whenever I get excited which is the situation right now.

"Normally? What changed?", he asks curious.

I look at his face, his big eyes and teeth. "When you laugh, you kinda look like a bunny. But not the fluffy white kind of bunny, more a black badass bunny who would scare all the other bunnies away but is actually really cute. Like you", I explain, suddenly realizing I called him cute. I feel my cheeks heat up and a smirk forms on Jungkook's lips.

"Is that so?", he leans his head on his hand," So are you scared, fluffy, oh so innocent, purple bunny?"

I don't know why but my throat feels tight, like I can't swallow, just like my pants.

"N-no", I stutter, already knowing I lost the fight. His smirk only widens because of my reaction.

Oh god that smirk will kill me one day.

"Even though I'm younger than you, you're still scared", he sing songs.

I huff, "That's just because you're so dominant"

"Does that make you the submissive?", his voice is suddenly deep, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"I-I don't understand", I answer softly, feeling his hand landing on my leg.

"Thought so", he gets closer and I feel like my body is in flames. What is this? I don't understand what's happening. What did he mean with submissive?

"Jungkook-", the door opens, revealing a white haired boy, who I assume is Yoongi. I met him when I slept here some nights ago.

Jungkook quickly retracts his hand and acts like nothing has happened. Yoongi doesn't see our position in time so he just talks further, "Because of you, Baekhyun now has a stomach ache from eating too much candy"

"I have that a lot too. It goes over in like half an hour. It teaches you to eat less candy but it never helps with me. I have no willpower", I smile, answering the boy.

"Oh, it's your fuckbuddy again", Yoongi looks over at Jungkook. He doesn't answer Yoongi, neither denying or agreeing.

"I should go", I jump up from my spot, "Jimin is still taking my place at the shop and knowing him, he will be eating all the candy for free"

Jungkook's head snaps to my voice. He had been looking out of the window. "Jimin... Is that the guy with the pink hair?"

"Yup, that's him", I nod, "He's my best friend. Why do you ask?"

"No reason", he retorts, his voice sounding a bit weird.

"Okay, I'll see you again!", I wave at them both and walk back to the candy shop. My head is a mess at the moment and my body is being weird.

What did he do to me?

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