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Super short chapter to lift the mood. It will go downhill again but just appreciate this moment for a while haha

Jungkook's P.O.V

The moment you feel the most lonely is the moment the most people show up. I open my eyes, awoken out of my nap by a constant poking in my side. I almost tumble out of bed when I see eleven pair of eyes on me. Eleven persons, ranging from little kids to teenagers stand at my bed. They are all from the orphanage.

"Jin hyung?", I say shocked as he smiles at me.

"Goodmorning Jungkook", he says with a pained expression, "I hope Baekhyun didn't wake you up with his poking"

"He did but it's alright", I answer, the said boy suddenly speaking up.

"Kookie!", he yells, running over to me with tears in his eyes. He hugs me with his little arms barely reaching my neck.

"Hi there buddy", I chuckle and mess up his hair.

"W-we were s-so worried!", he sobs, his big eyes looking at me. I wipe the tears off his cheeks, averting my gaze afterwards because I feel my tears well up too.

"They really beat you to a bloody pulp", Yoongi crosses his arms. This made me chuckle. Typical Yoongi.

"Yoongi!", Jin slaps him across the head, "Be a little more sensitive, will ya"

He mutters something under his breath but gives me a small smile nonetheless, "We're relieved to see you"

I smile back. A small tug at my hand draws my attention, "We made you something Kookie" Baekhyun runs back to the door and picks something up with the rest of the little kids. I think they are called Luhan, Jackson and Sana. They hold up a drawing they made with all the kids of the foster house. Hobi, a twelve year old with orange hair helps to slide it on my bed because the others are too short. The drawing shows the orphanage and all the kids who live there playing on the field next to it. I recognize the purple haired stick figure they drew next to me, holding my stick hand. I feel tears well up and a tiny hand appears in my sight with a handkerchief.

"We thought you'd do that", Hobi admits sheepishly.

I laugh through my tears, "Thank you so much"

The moment you realise you're not alone is the moment you realise you have people you might lose.

HELP NEEDED: smut writer

I need someone who can write smut because I don't feel comfortable writing it. I want it somewhere in my book though cause I have something planned but I can't write it myself. Just message me if you want to do it :)


Bye guys!

Author out

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