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Apparently my best friend read last chapter randomly (she doesnt read my fanfics and doesnt know bts) and she was so shocked at the make out session she thought I wrote smut. So hi friend if you're reading this one too. It's not smut.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Sunlight filters through the curtains, blinding my eyes as I open them. I groan and snuggle further into the boy I'm holding, his breath tickling my neck. I had carried him upstairs last night when he passed out from exhaustion and anxiety. Now his soft snores fill the room, making me smile unknowingly. His purple hair is fading a little and I see the original dark brown colour appearing.

A sound makes me open my eyes. His stomach is growling. I chuckle lightly and loosen my arms around his waist so I can slip away. He's a deep sleeper so I can easily sneak out of the room to make breakfast. I find eggs and bacon in the freezer and snatch a pan from a drawer. Once the food is ready I put them nicely on a plate, the eggs as eyes and the bacon as mouth so it forms a smiley face. I bring it upstairs and find Taehyung there, rubbing his eyes with his fists like a kitten. He perks up as he notices my presence.

"Kookie", he smiles and it widens when he sees what I brought.

"Bacon!", he yells out happily, making grabby hands at the plate. He pulls it on his lap and starts devouring it.

"Woah you eat like a monster, a cute one of course", I shuffle closer on the bed and wrap my arm around him. He leans his head on my shoulder and chews slower.

"Sowwy", he says with a mouth full. I push some strands of hair back that fall in front of his eyes.

"Tae", I sigh.


"This might sound bad but I don't want you to go to work", I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

He giggles, "Silly Kookie, it's Sunday, of course I don't go to work today".

His body vibrates next to me from the giggles. I sigh deeply.

"That's not what I meant Tae. Those guys who want to hurt me will want to hurt you and they know where you work and live", I play with his hair to calm the possible change of mood that's going to happen. He goes silent.

"I love my job", he says weakly, "My parents don't believe I'm an actual adult because I look and act childish sometimes, but they seemed so proud when I got a job, even though it was in a candy shop"

"I understand Tae, but I just don't want you to get hurt. It's not for long just until your parents are back. Can't there be a replacement until then?", I ask determined.

"Maybe. I can ask my boss", he mumbles, uncertainty evident in his tone.

"Please Tae, I'm just worried about you okay?", I kiss his temple softly," Maybe we can go to the mall tomorrow? Your hair colour is fading. We can go for another dye"

This seems to break the tense mood between us. His eyes light up," That sounds nice"


I decide to take Taehyung back to the foster house seeing as Chanyeol already figured out where he lives. But before we have the chance to leave the doorbell rings. Taehyung hides behind the couch, his face flashing angst.  I shush him and walk to the door, opening it carefully. Once I see the ball of pink fluff I throw the door fully open.

"It's your friend", I yell, hearing the pitter patter of Taehyung's footsteps nearing.

"Jiminie", he runs up to the boy and throws his arms around him," I haven't seen you in a while"

The boy giggles lightly," I know TaeTae, that's why I came to visit. Who's this?" Jimin looks at me and I hope my jealousy isn't as evident as his. His eyes narrow when Taehyung throws my arm around himself.

"This is Jungkook, the new friend I told you about", he beams happily," Kookie, this is Jimin, my best friend"

I stick out my hand for him to shake it. The boy does so but his aura doesn't change. He really is jealous. Does he like Taehyung too?

"We were just heading out Chimchim", Taehyung announces, breaking the intense stare between me and his best friend," You wanna come with us?"

I stiffen, hearing his words.

Do I really need to spend time with his guy? I kinda wanted Taehyung for myself.

I fake a smile," Sure, come along"

Jimin seems to think about it and shrugs," Okay"

He takes Taehyung's hand and pulls him out of my grip, skipping further. "The last to reach the end of the street is a loser", Tae yells, dropping Jimin's hand and running away. I take the challenge and dash forward, smirking because I know I'm way faster than Jimin. I near Taehyung who's only a few meters away from the end and grab his waist, hauling him onto my shoulder. He shrieks and starts laughing. I set him down on the corner of the street and we wait for Jimin to arrive. His eyes are dark and angry, watching me.

This is going to be a fun day


My reason for not updating in two days even though I really wanted to write: my youth movement was throwing a big party for about 500
people in my town and we had to set everything up yesterday. I was awake from 7 am and we set things up 'till 5 pm. Then we had to also take shifts at the party so I was finally home at 7 am because we had to clean everything up after the party. I slept from 7 am 'till 1.30 pm today and then I just laid on the couch reading fanfiction half asleep.

So yeah I'm pretty dead right now

I hope this chapter isn't as shit as I think it is.

Toodles x

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