fantasy of broken hearts

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poetry bubbles out of seams

endless streams of white washed laundry

taking breaths and inhaling beauty

this is what we see while we walk home

arm and arm and hand in hand

carelessly, without effort,

tie dyes that have fallen apart

we skip.

we skip with laughs that twinkle more

harshly than the sun.

we gather the beating of a heart - but it's

only a drum.

hear me cry at night, foolishly

until i can no longer breathe another breath of

lost air clear in the atmosphere

tossed like a salad - my mother used to

make those. spinach and assorted


feeling healthy and incomplete.

like there's more to life than just

the fear of catching a tomato

in my mouth.

feel me cough feel me wheeze

until i spit out

all your red seeds.

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