waiting for clocks

20 2 1

she doesn't want to admit defeat. but what is defeating about not wanting to eat?

well even if that were the problem at hand. she can't bring herself to understand why people won't let her in.

she can't handle the people ! the people which are everywhere -- staring, staring, comparing, glaring.

they laugh and hide and taunt and giggle and smile malicious intents. they're there waiting for her to stumble, fall, mess up, get lost,

she looks like she's in a fog. is she there at all? fall, trip, land on your face, wish for this all to be erased --

it can't be, dear. so why is this fear



consuming her whole, scratching at her from the inside out.

don't pity me. i want to be free. let go of me, let me run wild into the trees that don't care about how i look or how i walk or where i am running to.

my mind is the only
thing that can save me,
and set me free.

but it won't; it'll only torture me. and
kill the

remaining happiness i have


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