salt and all

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THERE IS MORE TO HER THAN YOU, THERE IS MORE TO HER THAN HIM, THERE IS MORE TO HER THAN YOU, AND YOU, AND HIM, AND HER, AND THEM. THERE IS more. more. more more more more she is more! than anything the world could ever provide, her eyes are the answers to the questions THEY'RE THE MYSTERIES OF HER OWN NOVEL. her eyes are like death caught in blue sunshine, gripping on to life and bleeding tangerine candy. BECAUSE SHE IS more than what she seems. she is contradicting + convincing, she's not so intelligent (but she likes to act that way) :: her soul is a thousand times brighter than the surface of the moon when it's full and yellow and free. free. she is more than. free. her spirit is deeper than any kind of sea, but she. is free. others. not so, much. her dreams are praised because of where she was born BUT OTHERS ARE TOSSED ASIDE, SPLATTERED WITH HATE AND SCORN. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS TOO OBNOXIOUS AND PERSONAL, we all live here and you,

stop laughing. stop writing your sloppy signature :: IT WAS NEVER SIGNIFICANT. instead, to determine your worth we have beakers of tears, salt and all, ready to fall into your laboratories to be tested. broken promises will be the label. quite fitting, yes? i believe that we never welcomed them as guests, we said THIS. IS YOUR HOME. and our problems are yours too. SAFETY? IS THAT what you're chalking this up to?

don't you dare. the only reason you care is because this IS religion this IS a war this IS a crime this WAS and always WILL BE their home. because if it's not theirs, it's not mine. gladly, i'll leave, i'll resign from my house, i'll get the hell out of where they can't be. simply because they "aren't like me"?

:: how?

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