from time to time

16 1 0

he is a river;
running through my thoughts and burning through the trees

giving life to emerald leaves and deepening the flowers' bloom

and isn't it funny who i don't even know who i am writing to?

of apricot petals
making me marvel at the

sea of cream clouds ;

i am writing to
infinity, i decided.

i am writing to free the serendipity of remembering to be glad

i've known you ;

no i am not saying goodbye
but i /no matter how hard i try to forget
the teal supernovas or

the clouds you made me fly upon ;
past city sky limits and into
fields below full of


why did i crave

attention even
though i knew you'd

be with her, i'll never know.

i guess i just liked the sound of your smile too much.

sweet 16Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz