Chapter 2

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After a while, I get bored and check my phone to see its only been about 45 minutes, but i've been listening to music to pass the time. I sigh and jump off my bed, grabbing my duffel bag from the floor. As i'm walking out of my room, a feeling of sadness sort of consumes me. I turn around and scan the room, taking in the small space, and the low ceiling. I drop my duffel bag and enter the room again. I walk around the entire room, pulling my favorite posters off the wall, rolling them up and putting a hair band around each of them. By the time I'm done I have about 12 posters collected. Next, I walk over to my collection of cds. I grab only my favorites again. Lana Del Rey, 5sos, Arctic Monkeys, Passenger, and Miley Cyrus. I unzip my duffel bag and shove the cd's in, but there's no room for the posters, so I grab another small bag from my closet and shove those in the bag.

I walk out of my room and turn around for one more glance before whispering "It was a good 15 years," and closing the door behind me.

When I get downstairs I drop my duffle bag and plop down on the couch, laying my head back to study the ceiling again.

I can hear my mother and her 5 inch heels still clacking around in the kitchen.

"So, how long you been plannin' this one out?" I shout, not bothering to look into the kitchen.

There's no reply, only a long sigh.

"Quite sometime actually. Almost since your father left." she replies, laughing to herself.

That gets my attention. I flip over onto my stomach and look into the kitchen with wide eyes.

"6 years?!" I yell.

"Oh, yes my dear. I really just can't handle you on my own," she says walking into the living room and sitting in a chair across from me. I roll onto my side to look at her.

"That's what a mature mother would do," I say sarcastically.

She clenches her jaw.

"No, it's what any mother in her right mind would do if they had to deal with little brats LIKE YOU," she says, her tone angry and irritated.

I can tell that I've angered her which makes me laugh.

Soon, I hear a car pull up out front. I look out of the window and see a moving van. Apparently, it's not driving us all the way to Atlanta, just to the airport. I sigh and then yell.


I see Chase at the top of the stairs, tears in his eyes. He walks slowly down the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, I walk up to him and kneel down infront of him. I reach up my thumb and wipe the tears away.

"We gotta be strong buddy, it'll be fun okay?" I say trying to cheer him up.

"But all of my friends are here." he sobs.

"I know, all of my friends are here too. But we'll make a lot of new friends down in Atlanta," I try to reassure him, ruffling his hair and standing up.

There's a knock on the door. My mother goes to open it. When it opens, I see a short woman in almost the same outfit as my mother, but her hair was up in a neat bun, and she had glasses.

"I'm here to take you to the airport," she says calmly.

"Right," I say picking up my two bags. Chase only has a small bag, but I don't question it. My mother begins to tear up. Fake. Of course. I roll my eyes and huff.

As we're walking out my mother pulls me into a strong embrace.

"I'm going to miss you so much," she says, tearfully, running her hands through my hair.

Someone Like You (A Chandler Riggs Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now