Chapter 30 - The Drive

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Yay! We hit chapter 30! Thank you so much for putting time into reading this book! You have no idea how much it means to me. I really love that you are reading my first book on Wattpad, and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for sticking around with me!
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Love, AlexisJadeS22😁😁

We follow Sandra without further questioning. But I have to literally drag Keith along with me. He hops into the front seat reluctantly while took the empty back seats, trying to not use my foot for support.

Why is it now that she decides to show up? I mean, its been eleven years and she now decides to be apart of his life again? Although I don't have a family of my own to say that about, but still. I don't think thats how it works. Is it? Doesn't it take time for something like this to heal?

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Keith's rasp and dark voice fills the empty space of the Jeep.

"Why were you following us?" He deadpans.

"Camden, I wasn'-" she starts

"Don't call me that! My name is Keith!" He shouts, slicing through her words.

"I'm sorry." She turns back to the road, I can tell that there would have been a major screaming frenzy in here if she would have shot back at him. But instead, she just remained silent. For the past thirty minutes I've spent in the car with her, I can tell she was a quiet woman. And now from the looks of her up close, she and Keith look a lot alike.

She had long brown hair that was dangling freely around her shoulders. Tiny wisps were flying in the air at the top of her part. Keith's hair is the same way, but just shorter and maybe just a tad darker.

She had big, beautiful brown eyes, just as he did. But there was a lot of differences between the two. For one the height, Sandra's very short, shorter than me. I stood around 5'8 and she was probably close to being 5'5, if even that. Keith must have gotten his height from his dad, which I have no idea on who that is.

Sandra let out a long sigh, then turned to her son again. "Keith... I was following you because..." she let out a sigh again, this time lightly. "I was following you because I knew the second I spotted you on that bus bench, I knew that was my son."

"Well I'm not your son! Your son is back in that apartment in Phoenix. He's back there alone and trapped! Hopelessly wondering why his parents left him a day after his sixth birthday! You have no right to call me your son, Sandra" he spat.

Sandra shudders. I saw that her eyes were full of tears, just ready to spill out of their collecting pools. "Keith, I'm so sorry."

   "Whatever." He mutters, scrunching his legs toward his chest and leaning against the dust covered door.

   Meanwhile, I sat in the back, waiting to be let free of this cage of anger, and mixed emotions of sadness. My heart ached for him, although I can necessarily say that I knew how he felt, because I don't. Not at all. But I still want to comfort him somehow.

   I reach over and placed a gentle but reassuring rub on his shoulder. His black button up shirt is ripped and a mess. I glanced over at his arm, which still had the large gash on it. When we get home, he needed to get that checked out. Although I am no doctor, but it looked very deep, and if not treated, it might get infected.

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