Chapter Thirty Seven: The End...

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The blueprints were quite useful, I used them to find my way through the never ending winding halls and corridors. As I walked, I found that the place was completely empty. It seemed that after the battle, the Mistress had finally given up. She had escaped, gone off into the world. As I continued down the hallways, I wondered what I was going to do when I found everyone else.

Were we going to do what we had originally planned? I thought back to our meeting in Shawn's room. The plan had originated from my meeting with Luna. I took a breath, wondering, what would have happened if I had never discovered the undercover operation that was going on in this 'school'. Would I be going to the classes?

Would I have been so oblivious about the whole charade, would it have cost me my life? I shuddered at the very thought. I quickly shook my head, trying to erase the dark ideas from my mind. I headed onwards, every once and a while taking a quick look at the blueprints. Finally I came to a large metal door. I looked down at the blueprints.

The blueprints read 'Holding Cells'. I gulped, hoping that once I opened the door, I would find my friends. With shaking hands I opened the door...


The flashing lights of the cop cars brought me back into reality. A large crowd was swarming around me. Questions were being tossed around. The scene was complete chaos. Teens stood in groups, muttering to one another. Paramedics raced around, handing out blankets, and water bottles.

The school was being evacuated. Horrified parents rushed towards their kids. Arms outstretched, each one sobbing away. I stood in the middle of it all. My mind still reeling. There had been so many teens in that holding cell. Each one confused on what was going on. I had managed to find Kodiak, Fox, and Shawn.

They had already broken out of their cages, and were already opening other cells when I opened the door. I closed my eyes, wondering what would happen. All those teens, they had been turned into mutants, their DNA had been rendered. They were part animal now, their lives were going to be turned upside down.

"Toby!" Shawn's voice echoed through the thick crowd. I spun about. Out of the throng walked my three friends. They were all looking much better. Kodiak and Fox were both wearing blankets, while Shawn held a water bottle. "Guys, thank goodness you are alright." I said, feeling much more relaxed then I had for a while.

They all smiled. "We couldn't have done it without you Tobias, thank you so much." Shawn reached out his right hand. "Thank you, I know my sister would have proud." I took it, and smiled back. "You're welcome." Just then I heard a cough, "Excuse me, are you Tobias O'Brien?" I turned around, a cop stood behind me.

He looked worried. "Yes, I'm Tobias O'Brien," I said, suddenly feeling nervous. He nodded, "Yes, well, we just wanted to thank you for helping us, thank you for giving us these blueprints, we will learn a lot from these, there is only one problem." He paused, letting everything he said sink in.

I felt my heart sink, I knew exactly what he was going to say. "We need that woman, everyone I have asked has called her the Mistress, where is she?" I suddenly felt three hands grab my shoulder. I looked back, Kodiak, Fox, and Shawn were all nodding. I knew what that meant, we each had a vendetta against her, and we were going to find her.

I turned my gaze back to the officer, and with a smile I said, "We don't know officer, but we'll find out..."

*Author's Note*

Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to announce that you have reached the end of Hollow's Grove. Well, the unedited version, that is. I hope that you have enjoyed this work in progress. Thank you all so much for reading it!! It really means a lot to me!! Please don't be afraid to let me know what you thought and what you think I could change. Thank you all so much!!

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