Chapter Ten: Discovery

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For the rest of the day I hung out in my bedroom. I didn't really care about the work and lessons that I was missing. I sat angrily at my desk and kept hitting my head off the surface. This entire idea had become a bust. I growled frustrated and got up from where I sat. I hadn't really fallen asleep, I had just zoned out in class. Everyone laughed at me, the teacher didn't do anything about it either. What was wrong with this place? I walked over to my bed and flopped down on to it.

I was exhausted. I hadn't slept because of Marcus' intrusion the other night. 'Maybe I can have a nap now.' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and gave a relieved sigh. 'Finally...' I thought to myself as I drifted off into darkness...

I awoke to the sound of scraping chairs against a wooden floor. I opened my eyes slowly, the room had grown dark. I pushed myself up and looked steadily around. I had seemingly slept through the rest of the day. I gave a yawn and jumped off my bed. Stumbling around I finally managed to find my room's light switch. I shrunk back as the light flickered on. It was definitely late at night. I took a glance at my window. The glass was shrouded in complete darkness. I had slept all through lunch, and supper.

My stomach gave a low rumble. I was starved. All I had had was that delicious breakfast. By now the sound of scraping chairs had become louder and louder. I frowned, what on earth was going on out there? I gazed over to my alarm clock, 12:00 a.m.! I felt a surge of unease wash over me. Was the school being robbed?! I stood quietly in my room, listening to the movement below. After about fifteen minutes, I began to think of how to wake up someone and get them to call the authorities.

I knew that if I got another student they might just blame me. That gave me no choice, I'd have to go and get Miss. Wilson. The corridor was dark, and as silent as a graveyard. I gulped, shutting my bedroom door as quickly and quietly as I could. I began tiptoeing down the long hallway. Just as I got to the spiral stairway, I heard something that made the hair on my neck stand. A sorrowful, agonized, haunting wail echoed from downstairs. I held back all impulses to turn and flee from the scene.

My blood had become ice, my heart had skipped. I stood at the top of the stairway, horrified and not too sure if I wanted to go check anything out or get the principal anymore. I wanted to turn around and bolt back to my room and lock myself in. Only, my wolf's curiosity sprang into action. The wolf inside wanted to go and check the noise out, it began to whimper inside my head. I shook my head, "No way." I whispered to myself. The wolf cocked its head and whined as if to say, "Come on!"

I growled but put a foot on the first step. The wolf yelped happily and lay dormant once more. I groaned, this was the problem being a werewolf, sometimes the inner beast took over while in human form as well. At least I knew that the wolf was going to be watching, it made me feel a little better. By now, I had made it down to the first floor. The chairs had gone silent now. There was not a sound of any sort of movement. I looked cautiously around, it was eerie. The whole place was just like a ghost town. I shuddered at the thought of ghosts.

I walked around slowly, trying to listen for anything that would give me a clue on what had happened. If there was a ghost, why hadn't anyone bothered to tell me about it? I had just finished searching the dining hall, the kitchen (not to mention the fridge), the games room, and the living room/library, when suddenly there it was. The wail echoed throughout the empty rooms. It was much louder now. I felt a knot grow in my stomach, whatever it was, was really close by.

I wished that I had gone with the original plan and ran back to my room. Now I didn't have a choice in the matter, I was going to go and find out what this thing was. The wail didn't stop. Instead I was able to follow the noise until I was right upon it. I found myself in a dead end hallway. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, something wasn't right. The wail had become horrifically loud now. It rang out in my ears, causing them to metaphorically bleed. The wolf inside howled with pure agony.

Suddenly just as it had started the wail stopped. I was left standing in a dead end hall with absolute silence. I glanced around the silence was causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise. Suddenly I heard something else. It was the sound of stone scrapping against a wall. I realized in horror that it was in front of me. I frantically looked around for somewhere to hide. There! I quickly ducked behind a large potted plant. I watched in surprise as the wall that I had been standing by opened up.

My eyes widened as the hall was flooded with light, 'There's a room behind there!' My human mind screamed. I held in a gasp, as I watched four shadowed figures walk out into the hallway. "Subject number 302, is subdued ma'am." My stomach did a flip when I heard the voice, it was my teacher! "Good, I knew it worked, these teens will be perfect when the serum reacts." I felt like I was going to hurl, Miss. Wilson was among these people. What on earth were they doing to these kids? 

I held my breath, trying to keep still. They chatted for a few more minutes before turning around and heading back into the room. I watched as the door closed and the hall went dark...

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