Chapter Thirty Five: The Showdown (Part Four)

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"Wake up young man," the voices were getting louder. I groaned, my head felt as though it was being crushed. The last thing that I could recall was being knocked out. I felt something touch my shoulder. I swatted at the object. It felt cold, "Wake up, come on now, you have been out for a while." The voices, they were as clear as a bell now. I opened my eyes slowly. At first my world was nothing but a blur.

"The werewolf is waking up ma'am," the voices were all around me. As my vision became clearer, I could see that I was lying on a gurney. "Wha...What are you doing now?" My voice was tired, wavering slightly. There were several men and women, each one wore a medical mask and gloves. What were they going to do to me? Suddenly I felt a horrible sensation shoot through my legs.

"Ma'am, we have injected the serum." One man came over to me. I could only see his eyes, they were the colour ebony. In his hands, he held an empty syringe. What had they given me? "Good, now we wait." That voice, I moved my gaze up. Standing directly over me, was her. The Mistress glanced down, she was the only one who wasn't wearing a mask. Her lips curled back into a cruel smile.

I narrowed my eyes, and gave a low growl. "You won't get away with this, I will get out, I will find the others, we will get evidence, you will be taken down." She just kept smiling. "Please Tobias, if you ever did get out of this facility, no one will ever believe you. They just see this place as a boarding school, a place for troubled teens. They won't take your word, they will just think that you are trying to skip out on class."

We locked eyes, my wolf snarled in my head. "Not if I get the evidence," I spat. She threw back her head and laughed. "How will you get the evidence? Tobias, you are trapped on a gurney in my office, which is also in an underground bunker beneath a school, and as you know you just run through hall after hall, it is like a maze. You can't ever get out." She laughed away.

My heart rate was beginning to quicken. She was right, it did seem impossible. Yet, maybe, I glared at her. "You have no idea, I will get out of here, I will find everyone," suddenly I felt another jolt of pain shoot through me. "What have you done to me?" I raged, for some reason I was having sudden trouble controlling my anger. She glanced away from me, "I think you've done it doctor, the serum is working on him!"

She was growing excited, she looked back down at me, smiled a cold smile, and walked off. Inside my head the wolf was becoming restless. It was snarling away, it's fangs were barred. What had they done to us? Now there was excited chatter going back and forth, each doctor were congratulating one another. I suddenly gave a yell, my bones, they were cracking.

"What did you do!" I cried. They were too busy patting one another on the back to notice or even care about me. I began to writhe upon the gurney. They had induced a transformation. The wolf was howling, it wasn't ready. I screamed as the pain became agonizing. My bones began to shift, contort, it was too rushed, they were going to hurt my wolf. My hair grew out, my face elongated, everything was going to fast.

The wolf and I were both in pain. I struggled to keep myself awake, trying to withhold the humanity. That was when they all stopped and turned back to me. "Ma'am it's working, but what do we do now?" One doctor asked, his voice high with excitement. She looked at me, as I transformed, then snapped her fingers, "Why do you think I called in the guards? Gentlemen, I present a werewolf fight!"

As she had snapped her fingers the door had opened. In stepped several guards, and Marcus. He was the Mistress' right hand man, it would only be right for him to fight. Then I thought of something, maybe I could escape. My wolf howled with agony, bringing me back to reality, the shift was too much. The wolf would get injured easily. I closed my eyes, 'Listen wolf, we need to work together this time, or it will be like Mary.'

He agreed with a curt yip. He and I were going to work together on this one. By now, the transformation was complete, yet, I was still aware of what was going on. I looked down at the chains holding my arms down, they were easy to rip off now. Effortlessly I tore the chains off, and jumped off the gurney. Now, I could see the terrified looks that were plastering themselves on to each and everyone of the guards, doctors, and even the Mistress and Marcus' faces.

They had asked for it, and now they were going to get it. I threw back my head and howled, then without hesitation I bounded forward. It was pandemonium, people ran yelling, the Mistress screamed, and began booking it for the door. Marcus on the other hand, snapped his fingers, and slowly let his lion take over. Before I knew it, a massive lion was lunging for my throat...

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