Chapter Twenty: The Plan

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The next few days rolled by. Mary and I were left alone in the cage. None of the guards ever came by to check on us. That made the two of us worrisome. Why were they choosing to ignore the two of us? Soon enough we were becoming restless, pacing around the cage, wanting some sort of attention. "Tobias, I just had the worst feeling, what if they're doing this on purpose?" I swiveled around Mary, was staring at me her eyes wide with true fear. I frowned, "Mary, why would they leave us alone?"

"Because, what if they heard you telling me how you are a werewolf!" Her words left me with a cold feeling. Suddenly terrified that what she had said was true. "Look Mary, if that were true then- I broke off, a sinking feeling in my stomach. We looked at one another. Both realizing what was going on, "Mary, we've got to get out of this madhouse," I said my voice urgent. She nodded in agreement, "How are we going to get out of here though, and what are we going to do about the other students?" She asked.

"We'll figure it out, but for now we need to concentrate on getting out of this darn cage." I muttered. I really wasn't sure on how we were going to do that. Mary snapped her figures, "I've got it! I will act sick!" I gave her a small smile, "Okay, we'll try it. Hopefully they'll fall for it." She nodded, "Right let's do this!" Mary fell to the cage floor and began to moan, she held her stomach, tossing about like she was having some sort of seizure.

"Help, she's having a fit!" I began to scream, rattling the bars of the cage. Soon enough there were several adults in the room, each one looking down at Mary, shocked. "How did this happen?" Asked one, as he wiped the sweat off his brow, "My lord is she having a reaction to the serum?" Asked another, she looked terrified. I shook my head, "Please you have to help her!" Wow, I couldn't believe how they actually believed our act. "Back up kid, we're coming in!"

I stepped back, still surprised at how stupid these folks were. They opened the cage and hurried in. As soon as they closed the door behind them Mary and I sprung into our plan. I jumped onto the nearest one's back, wrapping my hands around them and bringing them down to the floor. Mary bounced up, upper cutting the other's chin. The two slumped down unconscious. We nodded at one another, "We did it!" I cried giving a high five to Mary. She laughed, "Yes, come on, let's get out of here."

I bent down and began to search through the man's coat pocket. "Aha, found them!" I said triumphantly as I pulled out the keys to the cage door. Mary fist pumped into the air, "Right let's get out of here!" She cried excitedly. We raced over to the cage door, and unlocked the door with trembling hands. Once out of the cage, I quickly locked it back up, just in case the two woke up. "Come on," I said grabbing Mary's right hand. We ran through the bright room, heading towards the main door that we had seen the guards always walk through.

We threw the door open and were surprised to find we were in a large hallway. Mary and I glanced at one another. "You ready?" I asked her, she nodded, "Let's do this Tobias. We're going to be free." With that we began to hurry down the long corridor. Not daring to take another look at the room that we had been trapped in for heaven knew how long...

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