Chapter Five: Leaving

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I awoke on the dew ridden forest floor. Sunlight splashed over my curled, naked, bruised body. I groaned and looked up from where I lay. My eyes widened in horror when I saw what was around me. A large carcass of a buck lay not too far from where I was. Blood was smeared all over the grass. I gagged at the smell of the rotting insides. I rolled over trying to ignore the smell.

"Toby, honey, where are you?" I froze, mum was calling me! I felt my blood turn to ice, if she found me, than there would be serious problems. I struggled up from where I lay and raced towards her voice. I didn't care if I was naked. Mum was standing at the edge of the forest, her face contorted in worry. Her face, as soon as she saw me, it went from worried to shock.

"What on earth happened to you?" She asked, her voice shaking. I shook my head. I really didn't need her to butt in on my personal issues at the moment. I listened to her heavy breathing all the way back up to the house, she was terrified. "Today we were supposed to go and meet the head mistress of Hollow's Grove but maybe we shouldn't go." She stated after following me into the bathroom.

I didn't say anything, I didn't care anymore. All I needed was to get away from our home. "No, it's okay, we can go and check it out, and I'm sorry about what happened last night." I said slowly, trying to calm her nerves down. Mum watched as I slipped into the shower. "Now, I need to wash, I'll be down in a while." I didn't hear her response as I turned the water on to full blast.

The warmth of the water washed all of my fears and worries away. I let my body soak in the heat for as long as I could. I made sure to rinse all the dirt and blood off and too scrub my body down with a nice smelling soap. Soon enough I was finished showering, I stepped out of the warmth and quickly snatched my towel from the hook that was near the door. Drying my hair I walked over to the mirror and looked into it.

Even though I saw my normal goofy everyday self I still didn't feel right. It was as if I had an empty space somewhere. I gave a relieved sigh. At least I hadn't hurt anyone. I had managed to get out of the house before mum had seen me for who I truly was. Staring at myself in the mirror made me think, was I really a human? Or was the wolf the real me and the human me a façade? "Toby, I've set breakfast out."

Mum's comforting tone soothed my thoughts. I looked away from the mirror. "I'm coming." I called back. I dried the rest of my body quickly and then wrapped the towel over me sort of like a toga and then raced out of the bathroom down the hall and into my own bedroom. The familiar posters and paintings relaxed me almost immediately. My bed was a sight for sore eyes. I felt a strange sensation rush over me.

This was the last time I would ever see anything of my own for a long time. I checked the bedside clock, mum and I had to be on the road by 12:00 pm. It was already 10:30 a.m. I growled at myself, why on earth had it been the full moon last night? I had caused mum to panic after I had inexplicably ran out, and I had somehow managed to sleep in. Now I had made mum get behind on her plans.

I swung open my drawers and quickly grabbed some clothes. After throwing them on I looked at myself in my wall mirror. Now I looked much better than I had earlier. I was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt. At last, I was ready to begin anew. I turned and gave my room one last longing look. I would miss living with mum. I walked over to where my duffel bag full of my new school supplies and new clothes stood and grabbed it. 'Well, here goes nothing...'

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