Chapter Thirty Three: The Showdown (Part Two)

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I tiptoed down the corridor. My wolf was on high alert, as was I. The slightest sound made me jump ever so slightly. 'Where do you think everyone went?' I asked my wolf, only to get a sneeze for a response. It was weird, I felt like I was in an odd dream or something.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash, I gave a small yell and jumped. "Guys, I think I found him!" A familiar voice was welcoming. I felt my heart rate slow as from behind a corner stepped Kodiak, Fox, and Shawn. Each one stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me.

"Toby, you're alive!" Kodiak cried, her eyes beginning to water. Without hesitation she began to run towards me. The others didn't seem so hasty as to give me a greeting. "Is that really you Toby?" Shawn asked me, his eyes narrowing. I frowned, "Yes, of course it's me, why don't you think so?"

We stared at one another, taking each other in. Finally Shawn smiled, "Fox, Kodiak is right it is him." I could see that as Shawn said this, he and Fox's shoulders relaxed. Kodiak was running towards me, arms outstretched. "Oh, thank goodness you are alright, we thought that Marcus had got you." Her voice was wavering, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

I shook my head, "No, I ran into a janitor closet, there I was going to wait, but then he just left..." I broke off, unsure of what to say. They all looked at one another, "So, you haven't seen anyone either?" Shawn asked. I frowned, shaking my head. They all gave one another worried glances. "When we awoke, we were surprised to find that we were just lying in the hall." Fox said, looking around nervously.

"At least we are all still alive and now safe." Kodiak said, she was wiping away the tears now. Shawn, Fox, and I nodded, we could all agree with that. "Now, what should we do?" She took my hand, as she asked this. I looked at her, was this normal for her? The last time I checked, even though we had only met a few days ago, I got the feeling that she wasn't the touchy-feely type.

"Um, I think that we should go find the others." I said slowly. As I said this, I couldn't help but catch the look the three gave one another. It was an odd look, almost a smirk, as if they knew something that I didn't. Inside my head, I noted that my wolf was acting funny. He was sitting there, just staring. What was wrong?

"We think that is a great idea, come on let's go." Without warning I felt Kodiak begin dragging me down the hall. I narrowed my eyes, this was not right...

*Author's Update*

So, here we are. I am amazed to say that we are coming up to the last few chapters of the unedited version of Hollow's Grove. I know they are short, but believe me, the edited version will be much longer. Thank you all very much for reading this work in progress. I really appreciate it. I hope that you guys are enjoying the novel, and please don't be afraid to let me know what you guys think of the story!!

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