Chapter Three: Dinner Plans

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Nico's POV

I quickly made the waffles from scratch. Nathan liked them better that way. Plus, he calls me lazy if I make the toaster waffles. Nathan was already awake and waiting at the table by the time I'd finished. I placed the waffles in front of him and gave him the syrup as well. I only made three waffles, all for him. I wasn't very hungry. He smiled as I took my own seat at the table with him. 

"I'm really sorry about yesterday babe. I just had a hard day at work, ya know? If I really did hurt you, it wasn't on purpose. You know how I get," he sincerely apologize as he began to cut his waffles. 

"Just take all the blame. It'll be easier," I thought to myself. It always worked like that. 

"No no. It was my fault, love. I should have paid more attention to the steaks. Something bad could have happened to you.." I whispered, keeping my gaze away from his eyes. 

We continued to eat in silence (or he continued to eat) for awhile until he broke it again. He was always the one to break it. I liked silence. I couldn't get hit if we didn't speak... Or move. 

"You know, you truly are amazing. You've dealt with me for years. Even after that fight we had, you still made me breakfast," he said, fake gratefulness filling his tone.

"You say that like I had a choice," I thought glumly but kept a neutral face like I had trained myself too. 

"We should go out for dinner tonight!" He said suddenly.

I jerked up, trying to hid the panic in my eyes.  I still had small bruises from other fights. It still hurts when certain spots brush against something. And those spots are from fights from weeks ago. My mind began to race. 

What if someone sees the scars and bruises? 

What if I bump into something and it irritates a bruise or two? 

What if I act weird and people get suspicious? 

I haven't left the house since the move. This can go wrong in so many ways. 

"I-I don't think that's a good-"

"Nonsense! We haven't been out in years! We deserve this. You deserve this. My treat," Nathan cut me off, giving the "It's not a choice you have to make" look. 

I sighed and nodded. I guess I had no choice. He smiled and stood up, rambling about different places we could go to eat and leaving me with the dirty dishes. I silently took his plate with 70% of the waffles I made him still remaining. I had the strongest urge to eat some of it, just a little. But last time he caught me and smacked the place out of my hands while calling me a pig and saying I was "too lazy to make my own damn food". I shook the memory away and dumped the remaining waffles in the garbage. I then collected up all the dishes and put them all in the sink so that I could wash them at once. 

Looks like I'm making dinner plans tonight...

Within the Forest (Werewolf Solangelo AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz