Chapter Twenty-Seven: Marked

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(Finally! The chapter where Nico gets marked! This is a milestone! Well, the second milestone. The first was when they met. Anyway, you all don't care about this stuff! Go ahead. Oh! TW: Blood. Not much but *shrugs*)

Nico's POV

I did it. I finally did it. I asked Will to mark me. I don't want to seem as the weak human that's weighing everyone down. If I'm going to end up becoming Alpha of this pack, I need to stop delaying the inevitable. But I was confused why Will looked so reluncted. I confirmed that I wanted to do this.. So why did it seem like he was stalling?

".. Alright," Will said finally. I smiled then shifted uncomfortably. How.. How did this work? Will sighed, taking my hand and leading me back to the house. That's when I stared getting nervous. Why did we need to be in the house to do this?

Will led me up to his room again, might as well be our room, and shut the door. I took a breath, taking a few steps back. I chewed on my lip, anxiety beginning to swell. Was.. This a good idea? He then turned around, a nervous smile on his face.

"Okay.." he took a step forward, chewing on his own lip. He looked just as nervous as I felt. "Uh.. I just want to be sure you're sure you want this." He seemed distant, like he wasn't actually focusing on his words. I huffed, sitting on the edge of his bed from a slight frown.

"Will please. Let's just do this. What do you need to do again?" I asked, impatiently. Why did he have to drag it out and give me more time to be nervous?

Will stopped directly in front of me, still chewing on his lip. I could see his canines growing. Was that.. Disturbing? I couldn't tell anymore. "Nico.. Please. I need to make sure you're sure."

"Will-" I was cut off by a sudden force pushing me onto the bed and a sharp pain in my neck. I gasped sharply, flinching. I couldn't manage to cry out. The pain grew, engulfing into a flame on the side of my neck. I eased at the burning, for whatever reason. The only thing a managed out was a small squeak before Will pulled away. His lips were stained with my blood

"... Ow," I choked out, raising my hand and touching the side of my neck. The bite wasn't big, so why did it hurt so badly? The burning was still there, making me give a small groan. I felt my blood began to press against and seep through my fingers. This? This is how you get marked? I'm not going to turn into a werewolf, am I?

I felt my face heat up as I acknowledged the position we had managed to get in. Will was hovering over me, one hand gripping my shoulder and the other pressing against the bed for support. My legs were dangling off the bed while Will's had one on either side of mine. Will was staring at the place he bit, his eyes slowly changing from Sol's dark blue to his own sky blue.

I heard the door open, then Apollo's voice saying "OH SWEET MOTHER MOON!" before it slammed shut again. Will turned his head, his cheeks turning pink before he pulled up and sat down next to me. I pulled myself up, biting my lip to stop tears. It hurt. It really hurt. I then felt arms wrap around me as Will brought me into a hug. I continued to clutch the wound on my neck, though it was obvious the blood flow had began to slow.

"Sorry I didn't warn you," he mumbled, the guilt obvious. "I didn't get the chance to. Sol got fed up. Please don't cry.."

I was crying? I reached up with my free hand and wiped my face. I was. I didn't notice. "I'm fine," I mumbled, leaning into him.

I guess I'm marked now...

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