Chapter Four: No One Better

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( When you see this alone, know this means Sol is speaking to Will through a mind link. You may carry on. )

Will's POV

I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen. The smell of french toast drifted into my overly sensitive nose, making the sweet smell stronger then it needed to be. Sol complained about the smell giving him a headache but shut up really quick when he smelled cinnamon as well. We love it when mom puts extra cinnamon in the french toast. My mother was plucking syrup and plates off the shelves and set them on the counter, her glittering blue eyes and freckled face smiling at me as I walked into the room. 

"Look who's finally awake! Take a seat, darling," she said, placing some of the toast on a plate.

I turned my attention to my father who was sipping some coffee at the head of the dining table. I always thought it was strange that the kitchen and dining room were connected. The kitchen and the dining room was not separated whatsoever. The place were a wall could be was outlined by a giant door frame. 

I sat in the chair closest to my father and twirled a fork through my fingers. I suddenly remembered my dream. Sol whined with frustration as my mate's broken, obsidian colored eyes entered my mind once more. We've gone three years without even knowing if our mate existed (yet) and once we finally manage to see them, even if it was through a vision, we don't know and won't know anything about them for a while. It might only be a day before I see him again or maybe I'll see him later tonight, but I wanted to see him now. 

I pictured the first time meeting my mate so much different. I imagined falling in love with each other at first sight and spending the rest of the day getting to know everything about each other. The first part was dead on, at least for me. I'm was sure my mate has no idea about me. The boy was human for gods' sake. Plus, he smelled of another male. Maybe he was with someone else and just got lost in the woods. That's probably how humans work. Sol snarled at that thought and it escaped from my mouth as a small growl.

"Woah, what was that? Are you hangry or something?" 

I perked up and locked eyes with my father who was giving me a playful yet confused look with a smirk to go with it. I felt my face heat up as I realized I had growled out loud. I averted my eyes just as my mother walked in and placed our breakfast in front of us. I quickly grabbed my fork and began cutting and taking a bite from the food. 

"Woah woah woah! You didn't even put any syrup on it yet. What's going on with you?" My father chuckled.

I stopped with the fork halfway in my mouth and lowered it. 

We're going to have to tell them. It was going to happen sooner or later...

I sighed, pushing my food away from my slightly as I rested my arms on the now clear space in front of me. My parents looked at me concerned and my mother reached over and touched my elbow.

"Sweetie, if this is about not finding your mate yet-"

I wanted to laugh. She was so unbelievably close yet so far away. 

"Hey, being mateless isn't all that bad. I told you my sister is mateless, right? She rejected her mate so many times, he killed himself from the pain of just being rejected so many times. She's been colorblind since we were around your age. In fact, I hadn't met your mother by then. So, you don't have to be so uncomfortable about it buddy. Then again, my father wasn't really excited to give up his crown. Well, he never did. Even now he still rules his own little pack. Damn drama queen," my father rambled on.

I stood there, dumbstruck. I've heard about my aunt, my father's twin sister, and how she didn't have a mate. But, I never knew she rejected her mate so many times he needed to kill himself because of it. I panicked a bit inside. 

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