Chapter Twenty: Off Limits

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Will's POV (Trigger Warning: Sol has a valgur tongue.)

I'll admit, I was a bit hurt when Nico said he "wasn't ready" to be my mate. But I told him I'd wait. And I will. I don't want him to feel pressured. I hope my dad won't just suddenly make me Alpha now that Nico is here. That would be stressful. Hopefully we are still going with the autumn thing. Though I'm not sure. The pack seems fine with having Nico as an Alpha, but how would the packs in our alliance react?

They don't get a choice. Either they accept him or they can get the hell out of our alliance.

I sighed at Sol's harsh words. But he was right. I wouldn't have said it like that but I agree with him. Once I become Alpha, he's going to be Alpha too. There's nothing anyone can do about it. Nico had said he wanted to take a walk around camp. I offered to go with him but he turned it down, saying he'd be fine. I let him go without a fight because he was right. The pack wouldn't dare touch him, so what's the point of worrying?

No one is going to become loyal to him that quickly! The pack barely knows our mate. They won't care!

I shook my head, taking a breath. They wouldn't hurt him. I know everyone in this pack. They wouldn't harm my mate. Especially since I'm becoming Alpha soon. None of them are crazy enough to do that.

Just calm down Sol.

We'd be calmer if our mate was here and not probably being looked at by the sluts of the camp.


Just being honest.

But you do know Nico has a name right? You don't need to keep referring to him as "mate".

We want to rub in that fact that we have a mate now. He's perfect and we get to kill whoever touches him.


We don't need your permission.

I rolled my eyes at my wolf's behavior. We've known Nico for about a week or two and he was already being possessive. I don't want other wolves looking at Nico either, but that doesn't mean I have to kill the ones that do. I suddenly feel a hot rush of jealousy. Why? I fidgeted in my seat on the bed, trying to push away the feeling as Sol growled.

Someone thinks they're the shit.

I blinked, not understanding what he meant. Before I could even react, I felt like I was being thrown out of contol. Sol please no. I struggled against him, using my mind like two kids fighting over one toy. Of course, this is when it hit me. Literally. I felt this distant pain that felt like I had just been slapped. That's when Sol forcfully pushed me, sending me stumbling into my subconscious. Oh this is going to be so great. I groaned as Sol took control.

Please don't do anything crazy.

Sorry. We don't know the difference.

Sol's POV (Surprise Surprise)

Will is an idiot. No one in this pack can be trusted. And that fact is being proven. Someone thinks they wish to be a rebel and mess with our mate. If it wasn't clear that this was a bad idea, we'll make it clear.

Just don't do anything crazy in front of Nico.

We ignored the annoying human in our head-


-and continued to leave the house. How could people walk on only two legs? It felt and looked ridiculous. You could accomplish so much more in wolf form. With that in mind, we shifted while still ignoring Will's complaints of ruining a perfectly good set of clothing. The clothing can wait.

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