Chapter Forty-Three: Impossible

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(I've been itching to post this. I was going to wait for tomorrow but... I can't take it when Authors leave me with cliffhangers so I couldn't bare to have you guys suffer! .... And because I'm impatient. Enjoy! ❤)

Nico's POV

I found myself coming in and out of consciousness. Every time my consciousness did return, I would hear different things before it blinked out. The first time I "woke up", I heard two unfamiliar voices.

"It's a human," the first unknown voice said. "But why is it.. Heating?"

Heating? What's heating? I felt myself cringe as the burning from before washed over me, making me give a weak groan. "Ugh, the scent is so strong!"

The pain overwhelmed me, making my consciousness fade.

The second time, I heard a new voice along with one from before. "You can't kill him," the new voice said, sounding strangely familiar. "Don't you idiots see he's marked?!"

"I didn't know werewolves can mate with humans! That's never happened before.." The unfamiliar voice from before mumbled.

"That doesn't make it untrue. Take him upstairs before he freezes to death and the South pack come and slaughter us all! Be gentle!"

I felt myself being lifted up before I once again faded out of consciousness.

The third time I woke up, it was obvious I was waking for good. I was warm. I opened my eyes, with a surprising amount of effort, and groaned softly. My body was still sore and felt like my blood and muscles were in the process of thawing. My head spun, even if I made no attempt to sit up. My vision was still blurry, but I knew for sure this wasn't home. Where was I then?

"Oh, you're awake," a voice spoke up. I jumped, blinking and squirming to see who it belong to. I soon found myself being held against the bed. I cried out, which only came out as a hoarse gasp.

"Hold still!" The voice spat. "You're going to hurt yourself! You almost died, you know."

I almost.. Died? I whimpered, wanting him to stop touching me. Thankfully the voice let go and I settled into my spot. I tried to focus my vision, only able to make out the blonde hair and pale skin of the person in the room with me. The person, male judging by their voice, was standing over me. Who was this?

"Octavian, I thought I told you to stay outside," another voice came, accompanied with the sound of a door opening. This voice was familiar.

"Sorry Alpha Ethan," 'Octavian' grumbled, moving away from me. I looked over at 'Alpha Ethan' who was standing by the door. His hair was dark. Wait. Wasn't that one of the wolves that was in the meeting that one time back in the South pack? "I just wanted to make sure he was still.. Ya know... Alive."

"You would have been able to tell from outside," 'Alpha Ethan' shot back. "The smell of death is overpowering. I could have smelled it from across the house. Now go."

'Octavian' huffed and left the room, the sound of a slamming door making me cringe. 'Alpha Ethan' let out a growl, most likely towards the slam. Then he made his way over to me. "Are you.. Feeling okay?"

I tried to speak, tried to ask where I was, but it only came out as a hoarse grunt before I slipped into a coughing fit. It felt like I still had water in my lungs. But as hard as I coughed, nothing came out. I didn't notice Ethan had left until I stopped coughing and heard footsteps enter the room again. I looked up and saw Ethan's blurry figure again. I heard the clunk of something being placed down on something hard near my head and I felt two hands gently grab me.

I whimpered, squirming under the touch as I felt myself being lifted up. I found myself sitting up, leaning against a pile of pillows behind me. I groaned, reaching up and grabbing my hair as my head began to throb. A sudden wave of nausea hit me as the blurry world around me spun. I felt a steady hand on my shoulder and flinched.

"Hey. Sh, here. Drink this," Ethan's voice was thankfully soft, keeping my head from hurting any more than it already was. I reached up, gasping at air until my fingers brushed something cold and solid. I flinched back before realizing I had just touched glass.

"Uhh," I grunted, grasping the glass with an unsteady grip, as a "thank you". I felt the glass of liquid being settled in my grip completely and I gasp, afraid I was going to drop it. I felt another hand wrap around my own and the glass, steadying it for me. I grunted another thank you before greedily drinking the cool.. Water.

"I don't know what you were doing outside in this weather, but he happy Octavian found you," Ethan spoke as I continued chunging the water. I felt it being pulled away from me and weakly protested before letting it leave my lips and the healing flow end. "Breathe, kid. Anyway, hopefully Will comes for you soon."

I tugged at the glass again and was happy to feel the glass come back. I began greedily drinking the water again. I cringed, sputtering and coughing as a wave of seething heat went through me. Not again.

"Ugh," Ethan groaned, pulling away from me completely. I coughed, instinctively curling up in a fedal position as my head once again spun and the nauseous feeling returned. "I still don't understand."

I whimpered, hugging my middle as the burning pain raced up as if going throw my vains and bloodstream. It hurt so much. I squeezed my eyes shut, groaning as the spinning sensation didn't stop. What was happening to me? I let out a small croak, not even able to form words. Hot tears pricked my eyes and made their way down my cheeks as I cried softly. I croaked again, desperate to beg for the answer to the question that was racing in my head. What was happening to me?!

"God, the scent," Ethan mumbled, his voice slightly muffled. What scent? "How the hell are you even in heat?"

I froze, lifting my head and forcing my eyes open to look at him. Even if I couldn't exactly see him. "You didn't know?" He asked. I whimpered, squeezing my eyes as if that would give him the answer. It thankfully did. "Oh god, well.. Yeah. You're in heat. But you're human so that's.. Well it's supposed to be...


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