Author's Note

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Hey guys! For one, I want to thank everyone who's been reading this book and my other one (If not, please check it out). I didn't think people would actually like my writing and it feels amazing to know that they do. Thank you so so much. You're all awesome. And on the book it says "#831 in Fantasy". I'm not sure what that means, but thank you anyway. 

As for chapters, I always get a little writer's block when it comes to writing different scenes through the other people's eyes. Especially when something really dam dramatic happens in the chapter before, like in this case. But I promise you, there will be more chapters soon.  That goes for my other book as well. 

So thank you all for reading. An update is coming, I swear. But I'm doing very important testing in my school this week, so updates might either be really bad or not come at all. But you guys been sticking with me for some time now and I really appreciate that. It'll pay off, I promise. And I know I'm making a lot of promises, so I'm just going to shut up and let you get on with your lives. See ya~ 

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