"For Once it Might Be Grand, to Have Someone Understand..."

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While a very humiliated Belle had been returning home after the disastrous occurrence at the fountain, Gaston had caught up with her on the way.

"Can I carry that for you?" he asked, nodding to the barrel in her hands, now full of laundry that was even dirtier than before.

"Gaston I can carry my own laundry."

"I heard you had some trouble with the headmaster. He never liked me very much either, I wasn't the most attentive student."

Somehow I can imagine that. "All I was doing was teaching a child to read. And she was doing so well! The girls have so much potential - if only someone would recognize that and give them a chance." They had arrived at the cottage.

"But that's not your concern.  Why worry yourself if you don't have to?"

"It's called generosity."

"Oh Belle, you are too generous for your own good. You're concerning yourself too much with things you needn't concern yourself with. The only children you should concern yourself with are your own." He gestured towards her belly.

Belle was once again taken aback by his forwardness. Her hand flew up to rest on her stomach at his words. "I am not ready to have children of my own," she stated. "Nor marriage for that matter."

"Belle, how old are you? Nineteen? Most girls your age are already married by now, or at least soon-to-be."

"Well I am not 'most girls'."

"Belle, do you know what happens to spinsters in our village after their fathers die? They're forced to beg in the streets. I would so hate to see that happen to you."

She scoffed. Jumping to conclusions much. "Gaston, I said that I am not ready to get married right now, I didn't mean never. I just haven't found the right person yet." She hoped he would take the hint.

Or not. The grin that was crawling up his face only told her the opposite. He had taken that as encouragement.

"Oh Belle, are you sure you haven't met the right man yet?"

"Yes, positive. This is a small village, I've met them all."

"Well perhaps you should take another look." He flashed her another grin.

She didn't like where this was going. "Anyways, if you will please excuse me, I have this laundry to rewash." And with that she disappeared inside the cottage before he could do or say anything else.


"I'm telling you LeFou, the poor girl, she seemed so crushed. I'd never seen her so sad before." Gaston and LeFou once again sat in the tavern.

"Well then, cheer her up. No one lifts people's spirits like Gaston!"

Gaston thought for a moment before slamming his fist down onto the counter top. "That's it! With the old man gone, Belle is alone. It's the perfect time to propose! That'll lift her spirits."

"Oh, um, a-are you sure?" LeFou looked skeptical. "Don't you think you might be rushing things just a little? And didn't you just say she said she's not ready for marriage yet, that she hasn't found the right person?"

"Oh but she has LeFou, she just doesn't know it yet."

"But what about her father? You know you need his blessing to marry Belle."

"Yes, but I practically have it. The man is very fond of me."

LeFou was shaking his head, still unsure. "Are you really sure about her Gaston? I mean I think she's just as crazy as her father. And do you really want that crazy old loon as your father-in-law?"

"I don't care about him, all I care about is Belle. And I've told you LeFou she's the one! How many times must I say it?"

LeFou shrugged. He knew better than to question Gaston. "Very well. Whatever you say."

"I've waited this long - time to make my move! LeFou, you must go out and hunt a deer for my wedding feast, one big enough to feed the entire village."

"Uh, right now?"

"Yes right now!"

"O-oh okay!" LeFou scrambled out of his chair and over to grab his coat and rifle.

"Madame LeBlanc, get out my best suit," Gaston ordered, rising from his chair. The long red coat with gold trim and the ruffled shirt. He looked most handsome in that suit. Belle wouldn't possibly be able to resist him. Ah, at last, the day had come. He was finally going to marry Belle.

(Uh oh, we all know where this is going 😅 Thanks again so much for reading! Next up, Gaston's 'proposal' ;))

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