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"Ah, look at her LeFou. My future wife," Gaston said dreamily, lowering the spyglass through which he had been eyeing Belle. "It's truly no wonder that her name means beauty for she's the most beautiful girl in the village, the most beautiful girl in all of France even! That makes her the best. And don't I deserve the best?"

"Well of course," agreed LeFou. "But are you sure Belle is the right girl for you?"

"Positive. Ever since the war I've been wanting to settle down, start a family. And then I met Belle and it all fell into place: she is who I shall spend that future with. Picture it LeFou: after a long day of hunting returning home to a rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting over the fire, adorable children running around while my love massages my tired feet. Doesn't that just sound perfect?"

"But there are plenty of other girls-"

"Perhaps, but Belle is the only girl in town who hasn't made a fool out of herself to try and gain my affections. I find that extremely alluring."

"She's certainly not like any other girls," LeFou admitted. "And that's just it, Belle doesn't seem to want to settle down. I hate to say it Gaston, but she just doesn't seem interested."

"Ah, but it is the ones who play hard to get who are always the sweetest prey." With that, Gaston nudged his horse and they continued on towards the village.

(Initial thoughts? Love the picture! ;) Also love Luke Evans! Thanks for reading - more to come soon!)

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